Luke W. Morris indentures, mortgages, and property papers, 1800-1824
Scope and Contents
This file includes two indentures binding John M.A. Ritter and Anna Margaret Lauch, both of Bremen, as servants to Luke W. Morris in exchange for payment for their passages to the North America. It also contains two bonds and warrants for the purchase of a mortage and a bond between Luke W. Morris and Samuel B. Morris. The file also includes a request for an opinion on Sarah Wistar's will, correspondence related to Morris's role as executor of T. Shannon's estate, a receipt for Morris's payment for a portion of a parcel of land, Morris's protest against the division of a farm called "Solitude," and William Allison's bond to pay a debt to Arthur Colerick.
- Creation: 1800-1824
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The collection is open for research use
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