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Estrangelo manuscript, 1200 - 1299

 Item — item: 28
Identifier: RH 28


Written in the Estrangelo hand.


Manuscript contains the whole New Testament including the Antilegomena epistles.

On the first leaf a later hand has written "Simeon son of Joseph to Joseph son of Simeon." The rest of the quire is taken up with a list of lessons written in illuminated squares and circles.

The gospel of Matthew ends on the verso of the third leaf with a designated quire. The outside leaf in another quire is missing.

The gospel of Mark begins on the next leaf and ends in the recto of the fifth leaf of a designated quire, followed on the same page by the table of chapters of Luke. The gospel of Luke ends on the verso of the second leaf of a designated quire followed on the same leaf by the table of chapters of John.

The gospel of John ends on the recto of the designated tenth leaf, and on the verso of the same leaf begins a harmony of the passion-gospels of the Heraclensian version which continues for 20 pages.

On the last leaf of a designated section begins the Acts of the Apostles, which ends on the verso of the eighth leaf of another designated section, and is immediately followed on the same page by the Epistle of James. Then follow 1 Peter and 1 John. After these epistles stand the four Anti-legomena epistles in the order 2 Peter, 2 John, 3 John, Jude.

The Epistles of Paul begin on the verso of the fifth leaf, designated by a designated symbol, and run as far as another leaf, designated by another symbol.

The manuscript is defective from Hebrews 9:12 to 13: 24 and ends with one subscription followed later by yet another i.e., Glory to the Father who strengthened and to the Son who helped and to the Holy Spirit who aided, one true God by whose hope we began and by whose assistance we have finished. Several other subscriptions follow this.

The next page is filled by a closely written statement of the "true doctrine of the Trinity". Several pages of supplementary matter conclude the volume, of which three are taken up with an extract from Mar Ephrem and seven with extracts from Mar Jacob of Serug, and one contains an illuminated cross.


  • Creation: 1200 - 1299

Conditions Governing Access

The collection is open for research use.


1 manuscripts

Language of Materials



A fine paper manuscript.


Each leaf contains two columns, 26 lines to the page. The table of chapters is prefixed to each gospel.


One page of a series taken up with extracts from Mar Jacob of Serug contains an illuminated cross.


6 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches.

Krodel comment

Gerhard Krodel of Gettysburg noted the rarity of this piece.

Printed edition

Printed edition by White.

Critical edition

New (1990) critical edition by Barbara Aland, Münster/Westf.


Manuscript is missing.

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