Letters: H
Scope and Contents
Hamilton, Thomas. New York, [18]59 9/19. [thanks for subscription to “Weekly Anglo African” and additional money toward their library fund; would like to publish news from Liberia]
H[arper?], R[obert?] A. Augusta, 1859 9/6. [Black fortunes will rise, despite any efforts to the contrary]
Harris, J.D. Cleveland, [18]59 6/7. Enclosed is a document from the Central America Land Company detailing the establishment of a colony for Black Americans in Central America.
Hartshorne, Henry. [18]67 7/18.
Heacock, Annie. Clarendon, 1869 2/7. [people grateful for the seeds Coates sent] (Clarendon Plantation is on Port Royal Island, S. C.)
Hilles, W.S. Wilmington, 1867-68. 1 items. [manner in which New Bedford Friends First Day school is run and building up interest in First Day schools; time will not allow him to participate in the institute’s work, as he is already involved in Friends Freedmen’s Association, among other work]
Hobbins, Joseph. Madison, WI, 1859 3/2. [trying to establish a medical school and hospital in England, and glad to assist in other good works projects]
Holly, J.T. New Haven, 1859 9/13.
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