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Letters: U-Z

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 10

Scope and Contents

Varner, Alvin. Appomattox, Va., [18]68 3/17. [progress made by formerly enslaved Black people whose mental capacity was once questioned and whose need for education was once questioned; seeds are received and used for a garden; his school is flourishing]

Wagoner, H.O. 1859. 3 items. [wishes that H.H. Garnet and W. Whipper could join the {Niger Valley Exploration?] Party; his “brethren” are vigorously opposed to the Colonization Society; if money from Black Americans were to fund a line of steamers to Africa, affording visits by Blacks to Africa, Blacks would look more positively at the Colonization Society; recognizes Coates’ love for African and Black people; businessmen more important than literary men]

Warner, D.B. to Dr. Pinney. Monrovia, 1869 3/13. [thanks for donation of school books; glad Pres. Roberts corroborated all Pinney’s statements]

Welsh, Jno. Philadelphia, [18]67 4/1. [appeals coming in and they will do their best for the relief of communities suffering from crop failures and effects of the war]

Whipper, W[illia]m. Columbia, [18]59 2/24. [has long wished that his race would be redeemed from the influence of prejudice and slavery; regard for Coates’ work for the welfare of the “Colored” race]

Whipple, G. 1868. American Missionary Assoc., New York, 2 items. [“importance of making use of the best colored men in the great work of elevating the race”; if ever the Am. Missionary Assoc. appeared opposed to the work of the Colonization Society, it was only if men were compelled to go to Africa, and especially if they were unfit]

Yates & Porterfield. New York, 1868 7/30. [sending bills of lading for the box of books being sent by steamer to Liberia]

Young, John. Charlotte, N.C., 1866. 2 items. [crime in his state, much by Blacks, but often under the bad influence of whites; “every good man in the South favours the education of the negro, as much as the white race,” but recognizes prejudice exists from Blacks and notes, and North using the issue of the “Negro race’ to denigrate the South] attaches article about “ravishment” of a white woman by a formerly enslaved Black man

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