Correspondence, 1943-1954 & n.d.
Folder 1
Contents include:
Koestler, Arthur to CDM. Tring, Herts, [England], 1943 3/4. [asks Morley to contribute to a "visionary" anthology.]
Brooks, Geraldine to CDM. Clearwater, Fla., 1943 2/27. [is soon to do a review of Thorofare; appreciates reference in it to her father, Elbridge S. Brooks' work "A Boy of the First Empire."]
?, Roy (pres. of the Time) to CDM. New York, 1943 3/24. [responds to apparent opinion by Morley that the Time has not reviewed him kindly.]
[Bundy, M.W.] (head of dept of Eng. at State College of Washington) to CDM. [Pullman, Wash., c. 1943] (letter fragment). [praises Thorofare, especially Shakespearean angle.]
Bell, Arthur W. to CDM. [c. 1943]. [enjoyed Thorofare ocean voyage better than a Conrad one]
Rieber, Frank to CDM. New York, 1943 3/29. [enjoyed Thorofare, particularly for scientific element.]
Poley, Irvin to CDM. Phila., Pa., 1943 4/4. [comments on Thorofare.]
Burt, Struthers to CDM. Southern Pines, N.C., 1945 4/5. [thanks Morley for the review of his book.]
CDM to Irvin Poley. [New York], 1943 4/7. [responds to Poley's comments and mentions factual error in Thorofare.]
CDM to HTB: [New York City, 1943 7/16. (written on SRL letterhead stationery)
Smith, Edgar W. to CDM. New York, 1943 7/27.
Faber, Geoffrey to CDM. Sussex, [Eng.], 1943 8/2. [thanks him for New York hospitality.]
Kennerley, Mitchell to CDM. New York, 1943 8/26. [talks of Walt Whitman and an article about the war.]
Kerr, Chester (chief of Book Bureau, Office for Emergency Management) to John J. McCloy (ass't sec'y of war). Washington, D.C., 1943 9/3. [feels a joint publication project with England about the war would be valuable -- Morley chosen as American representative of the writing team.]
Opffer, Ivan to CDM. New York City, 1943 11/5. [wants to do a drawing of Morley for Daily Telegraph.]
Graham, Stephen to CDM. London, [Eng.], 1943 11/12. [reading and enjoying John Mistletoe.]
Bird, Florence (CDM's aunt) to CDM. Royston, Herts, [Eng.], 1943 11/21. [war effects; family news.]
Cochrane, Louise (Morley) to CDM. London, [Eng.], 1943 12/12. [personal news]
Dierkes, Henry to CDM. LaPorte, Indiana, 1944 1/25. [sends copy of Living Poetry and philosophy of the magazine's editors.]
[Brace], Done to CDM. New York, 1944 3/13. [includes a clipping of letter to the editor written by George Bernard Shaw who comments on the government's fiscal policies.]
CDM to Commander E.E. Hazlett, Jr. [New York], 1944 5/12. [suggests an exchange of naval officers at British and American naval academies.]
[Lockwood, Dean] "Pete" to CDM. [Haverford, Pa.], 1944 1/23. [cites various committees to which he is committed; praises Morley as a "tower of strength for the Library Associates".]
Contents include:
Drake, Thomas E. to CDM. Haverford, Pa., 1944 2/4. [thanks Morley for Holmes manuscript, The Iconoclast.]
Adams, George Matthew to CDM. Nova Scotia, [Canada], 1944 7/15. [is trying to write his autobiography; describes his location.]
CDM to George Adams. [New York], 1944 11/29. [apologetic letter for accident by which Morley was credited as donor of The Iconoclast by A.C. Doyle, rather than Adams.]
Rosenbach, A.S.W. to CDM. Phila., Pa., 1945 7/25. [re purchase of A.C. Doyle's "Criminal Library".]
Maxwell, Bill to CDM. New York, 1946 1/22. [returns Three-Star, Would I Were Steadfast.]
CDM to "Laurence". New York, 1946 10/19. [notes about Gissing]
CDM to Archibald MacIntosh. Roslyn Heights, N.Y., 1946 12/23. [Christmas poem.]
[CDM] to William Ross (Rose?) Bennett, 1949 6/14. [re book of poetry to be issued under both their names.]
Fox, C.L. to CDM. Egham, Surrey, England, 1950 2/4. [encloses an article for the Baker Street Irregulars, "New Light on Dr. Watson."]
CDM to Louis [Greenfield?]. [s.l., s.n.], 1950 3/8. [Getting ready to do a preface for the first vol. of the Boswell papers.]
CDM to HTB. Roslyn Heights, N.Y., 1950 10/23. [in preparation for a trip to Haverford College.]
CDM to HTB and "Bunny". Roslyn Heights, N.Y., [1950 10]. [reminisces about Haverford College after his visit.]
CDM to W.W. Comfort. Roslyn Heights, New York, 1950 9/23. [about his book Thorofare and Haverford College.]
CDM to [William Wistar Comfort] "Bill". Roslyn Heights, New York, 1954 5/17. [talks about his Haverford days.]
Contents include:
Benet, Laura to CDM. Scarsdale, N.Y., [n.d.] [hopes Morley will contribute a poem for the Vassar College Salary Endowment Fund.]
Croy, Homer to CDM. Forest Hills, L.I., N.Y., [n.d.] [illustrated invitation]
[Daly], Tom to CDM. Phila., [Pa.], n.d. [encloses a clipping containing a poem by CDM.]
Devine, Jim to CDM. New York City, [n.d.] [recount a dream in which CDM and Charles Lamb figure]
F[ootner], B[ill], to CDM. London, [Eng.], [n.y. 3/9] [his stay in England has gained him friends in Aldous Huxley, Frank Swinnerton, et al.]
[Footner], B[ill] to CDM. Sollers, Md., [n.y. 7/26] [has sold the Substitute Millionaire to the movies; also about other of his works.]
F[ootner], B[ill] to CDM. Sollers, Md., [n.d.] [re his writing book reviews.]
Frank, Glenn (ed of Century Magazine) to CDM. New York, [n.d.] [turns down Morley's play]
H., B. to CDM. [s.l., s.n., n.d.] [criticizes Morley's Where the Blue Begins; his own work on a book and at The Ledger.]
Haley, [Bart] to CDM. Phila., [Pa.] [n.d.]
Herbert, A[lan] P[atrick]. [s.l., s.n., n.d.] [would like to do some articles for Morley]
Leacock, Stephen to CDM. McGill University [Montreal, Can.], [n.y. 2/6]. [congratulates CDM on his "Modern Essays."]
M[arquis], Don. Paris, [Fr.], [n.y. 8/8]
Ransom, John C. to CDM. Nashville, Tenn., [n.y. 10/22]. [would like to have Morley recite some his poetry, along with several other poets.]
[Sandburg], Carl to CDM. Rochester, N.Y., [n.y. 2/2]
- Creation: 1943-1954 & n.d.
Access Restrictions
This collection is open for access.
Box 10, "CDM Additions and Letters to FMM," in which all letters to Harrison Hires are not to be used or quoted without librarian's permission.
Boxes 48-50, "Christopher, Frank, and Felix Morley Correspondence and Letters," which are restricted until January 1, 2026.
140 items
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