Scope and Contents
Letter writers include:
William Harrison Macafee, Ernest "Van" Maier, Frederick Hurst Maier, Jacob (Maier?), J.S.M., Julia Maier, Katie (Hill Maier?), W.M.M., Marshall, George Matthews, Francis N. Maxfield.
Some highlights include:
William Harrison Macafee. Philadelphia, 1895-1896. 3 items. 1895 12/12. [advises P.D.I.M. against his smoking habit]
Ernest "Van" Maier. 1894-1905. 9 items.
Frederick Hurst Maier. 1892-1921. 5 items.
"Jacob" (Maier?). 1897-1899. 5 items [3 letters written on "Wm. S. Maier Co. Wholesale Flour Merchants, Philadelphia, PA." stationery]
James Shinn Maier. 1916. 4 items.
"Katie" (Hill Maier?). Lawndale, 1895; 1900. 2 items. 1895 4/30. [account of a lecture by "Chaplain McCabe" titled "The Sunny Side of Life in Libby Prison"]; 1900 3/7. [requests a performance by P.D.I.M.'s "colored quartette"]
Thomas Marshall. 1898-1900. 9 items [letters from a "Sabbath school" student of P.D.I.M.]
George Matthews. Philadelphia, 1899. 6 items [re rent and financial troubles]
Francis N. Maxfield. East Northfield, MA, 1896 6/29. [re Northfield and YMCA convention with delegations from Yale and Princeton]
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50 items
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