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 Item — Box: 27, Folder: 4

Scope and Contents

Letter writers include:

Alice Kite Smedley, Caroline W. Smedley, Mary Smith, William L. Smith, N. Snellenburg & Co., Society of Friends, Richard Souder, Lidie R. Spratt, N.P. Stanford, Emily B. Stokes, Dr. William Stokes, Dr. Edward R. Stone and Virginia (Gilroy) Stone ("Dr. and Mrs. Edward R. Stone"), Ida Stout, Lottie Stout, W.H. Stout, [Ida Stout, Lottie Stout, George Cairns, Earnest "Van" Maier, Jennie Poole, and "Dutchy"], G. Edmund Strattan, George C. String, Anna Suckow, "Mrs. Switzer."

Some highlights include:

Alice Kite Smedley. Philadelphia, 1899 3/23. [mentions P.D.I.M.'s father's illness]; 5/12/1899; 3/17/1900)

Caroline W. Smedley. Philadelphia, 1899 3/27. [re bicycles]

Mary Smith. Haverford College, 1898-1899. 3 items. 1898 10/24. [with class dinner menu]

Society of Friends. 1893 9/19. [small pamphlet titled "Religious Views of The Society of Friends" prepared for the World's Congress of Religions that year in Chicago]

Dr. William Stokes. Philadelphia, 1905 2/16. [re P.D.I.M.'s election as a member of "The Book Association of Friends" and reading its Constitution and by-laws]

Dr. Edward R. Stone and Virginia (Gilroy) Stone ("Dr. and Mrs. Edward R. Stone"). 1899. [invitation to wedding of daughter Esther Dawson to Charles Gibbons Tatnall]

Ida Stout, Lottie Stout, George Cairns, Earnest "Van" Maier, Jennie Poole, and "Dutchy." Pine Grove, PA, 1894 8/14. [describes activities at Pine Grove (e.g., tennis, fishing)]

G. Edmund Strattan. Swarthmore College, 1894 11/7. [letter to "Mr. Neall" re meeting his friend P.D.I.M. during the Haverford-Swarthmore football game]

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