Letters to, N-Z, 1857 - 1915
Scope and Contents
Letters writers include:
Mary S. Peabody, Ellen E. P[eabody?], Mary P. Ramsey, (Sister) Emma Morris Shinn, John A. Stambach, A.L. Tilney, George and Sarah Morris Vaux, (Nephew) George Vaux IX, (Sister) Sarah “Sallie” M. Vaux, (Nephew) William S. Vaux, George Walker, unknown authors
Some highlights include:
Mary S. Peabody. Andover, 1857-1863. 6 items. 1858 8/17. [expresses excitement at the “Queen’s message” being received—Queen Victoria had sent the first official transatlantic telegraph message to President Buchanan the day before]; Andover, 1861 8/21. [“I was so sorry to hear Mr. Jones was ordered off, particularly on your grandmother’s account—how does she bear it?”]
Mary P. Ramsey. Rosemont, PA, 1909 12/16. [sends C.W.M. a copy of her paper “The Indians in our own locality”]
John A. Stambach. Philadelphia, 1886 3/12. [“The horse hide is finished…”]
George Vaux IX. Bryn Mawr, PA, 1915 12/15. [re a marriage certificate and the title deeds to the Harriton Estate]
Sarah “Sallie” M. Vaux. 1858-61. 7 items. Philadelphia, 1858 1/24. [discusses attending several lectures by, for instance, E.H. Chapin and Henry Ward Beecher, and making molasses candy]; New York, 1858 5/16. [describes her trip to New York with George Vaux and Ellen Morris, visiting the “Dusseldorf gallery of Paintings,” and attempting to shop on Broadway with Ellen]; Niagara Falls, 1861 10/23. [describes trip to Niagara Falls with George Vaux, writes that they will proceed to Utica, Springfield, and Boston]
Unknown author [Senof?]. n.d. [“Kissing. Ladies should see that these ‘Rules’ are strictly observed”]
- Creation: 1857 - 1915
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25 items
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