Letters from, 1854 - 1883
Scope and Contents
Recipients include:
Lydia C.S. Cadbury, Elizabeth S. Haines, (Aunt) Hannah Shinn, Sarah C. Shinn, Shinn family, Samuel R. Shipley
Some highlights include:
Drawing. n.d. ["Hours with Undine," "Attic Agonistes"]
Lydia C.S. Cadbury. San Francisco, 1877 9/20. [discusses visiting private art galleries and his growing distaste for travel]
Elizabeth S. Haines. New York, 1872-1883. 4 items. 1872 7/9. [discusses trying to keep his work from his family and friends, the dissatisfaction of Lippincott's Magazine with him, and nephew Richard Cadbury's "coronation"]; 1878 8/31. [re (sister) Rebecca's declining health and his desire for her to keep living]; 1878 12/13. [describes a farewell dinner for illustrator E.A. Abbey with the Tile Club]; 1883 2/23. [re a funeral, presumably of Elizabeth's son Henry Haines]
Hannah Shinn. 1854 1/17.
Sarah C. Shinn. Philadelphia, 1861. 2 items. 8/17 [birthday poem]; 12/31. [New Year's poem]
Samuel R. Shipley. New York, 1879 8/29. [asks Samuel if he can furnish any evidence of American Quaker antecedents of the English antislavery movement for "Whittier's preface to John Woolman"]; Philadelphia, 1881 10/5. [re paying for Rebecca Shinn to move to Colorado for her health; removed from envelope with ES Jr.'s letter to Anna S. Shipley of 1881 3/26]
7 letters or pieces of letters, the recipients of which are unknown:
A sister (Lydia Cadbury?). Cincinnati, 1873 7/13. [describes his travels in Washington ("all grime and negroes"), Baltimore, and Cincinnati and attending Catholic mass in the latter city]
A sister ("Soeur cherie"). New York, 1874 5/3. [describes his living situation in the house of Adolph Bernstein and his family]
Unknown recipient. New York, 1876 8/9. [relates an evening spent with sculptor William O'Donovan and "English architect" Winbridge]
Piece of letter to an unknown recipient. Paris, 188?. [account of a dinner with painter Frederick A. Bridgman]
- Creation: 1854 - 1883
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20 items
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