Academic Council, 1968/69-1996/97
Scope and Contents
Documents on faculty appointments, reappointments, promotions, and tenure. Academic Council also considered policies and procedures relating to faculty reviews, senior faculty reviews, grievances, confidentiality, sexual harassment, diversity, and other issues. Files from 1968/69 to 1982/83 includes minutes of the meetings with some memoranda and other material relating to meetings. After 1982/83, there are agenda with material relating to meetings.
- Creation: 1968/69-1996/97
Conditions Governing Access
Documents on faculty appointments, reappointments, promotions, and tenure.
3.25 cubic ft.
Materials Specific Details
1968/69 : Faculty committee reorganization (not?) 1969/70: Counciling Service report 1970/71: Problems with the Educational Environment Committee; Procedure for granting promotion and tenure; committee changes 1971/72: concerns over problems of tenure system; concern over hiring Black faculty; issue of confidentiality of meeting proceedings 1972/73: Tenure problems; policies on appointments research of research associates, temporary, adjunct, and part-time faculty 1974/75: Lengthy debate on two cases and JRC’s own raised standards for promotion 1976/77: Coleman memo on H’s lack of conviction on diversity (3/30); Faculty Ad Hoc committee on Minority Group Concerns recommendation for increasing minority faculty 1977/78: College Committee on Faculty Appointments to increase minorities; AAC structure; Temporary and Part Employment policies; tenure case and question on scholarship criteria 1978/79: Grievance Procedure for Personnel cases 1979/80: Procedures for Provost search 1980/81: Committee on a Haverford Education 1981/82: Student letters on personnel cases 1982/83: Procedures for Cases of Sexual and Racial Harassment and Discrimination drafts; dismissal and grievance procedures; temporary and part-time faculty appointment procedures 1983/84: no minutes 1984/85: No minutes 1985/86: No minutes; mostly agenda. 1986/87: No minutes; assessment of tenured faculty; grievance procedure 1987/88: Mostly agenda 1988/89: Some attachments to agenda; reactions to senior faculty evaluations. 1990/91: Senior faculty evaluations; consensual relations policy 1991/92: Faculty grievance procedure 1993/94: Revisions to faculty handbook—review of tenured faculty 1994/95: Confidentiality of files in personnel cases; review procedures for tenured faculty 1995/96: Missing
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