Letters from Nathan Thomas, 1847-1850
Scope and Contents
Ca. 20 items
Recipients include Taylor, and also Samuel Rhoads and the board of managers of the Friends Free Labor Association in Philadelphia. Topics often include cotton and free labor
and other goods grown in the South. Nathan Thomas, an agent paid to
report on the situations regarding free labor and the labor of enslaved people, reports
findings as he travels
Highlights include:
Thomas, Nathan to GWT. Coffeeville, 1847 12/20. Settlement of a debt in Free
cotton and many aspects of the cotton business
Thomas, Nathan to Samuel Rhoads. Yellow Creshey, 1847 12/31. Discovered a good
deal of free labor, but scattered; his friend Dr. Bond, an enslaver, has been manumitting some of the people he held in slavery; statistics on cotton crop yields
Thomas, Nathan to Samuel Rhoads. Lafayette, 1848 1/6. Lists of free laborers;
traveling and collecting free cotton, which is not as good in the south part of the state
as it is in Alabama; Free Laborers are so scattered it will be a difficulty in getting it;
suggests places to get cotton and other staples not produced through the labor of enslaved people; names people who
would be helpful in this cause and start a colony or colonies providing free labor
Thomas, Nathan to Samuel Rhoads. Marshal Co, MS, 1848 1/11. Has made inquiries
of families looking for producers who could sell them cotton produced without enslaved labor and who live near the cotton gin
Thomas, Nathan to GWT. Hardin County, 1848 1/25. Extensive list of people living
near and selling their cotton to the gin holders; more on free labor
Thomas, Nathan to GWT. Jasinto, MS, 1848 2/2. More on collecting Free Labor cotton
Thomas, Nathan to GWT. Holley Springs, 1848 2/7. More on Free gins, also with list
Thomas, Nathan to GWT. Steam Boat, Saladin, 1848 2/26. On a number of enslavers
Thomas, Nathan to the Board of Managers of the Friends Free Labor Association in
Philadelphia. New Garden, 1848 4/27. Thomas' report to the group reporting on his
activities as their agent.
Thomas, Nathan to GWT. New Garden, 1850 9/6. Traveled north for Josiah White;
mentions Enoch Lewis and Levi Coffin
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