Scope and Contents
Case Adelaide
Case Edward
Caselli Aldo
Casey Gerard
Cassard Frances
Cassels John
Casteel John
Catchpool Corder and Gwen
Catchpool Frank
Catchpool Jack and Ruth
Cates Paul
Cathedral Church of St John the Divine (NY)
Catholic Art Association
Catholic Peace Fellowship
Catholic Worker
Catholic World
Catlin Harwood
Cauch Dick
Caufer Edith
Cavert Samuel McCrea
Cayard Leonora
Cecily S
Cedergren Elsa
Celholt Ed
Centenary Methodist Church
Center for Christian Spirituality
Center for Cultural and Technical Interchange between East and West
Center for Religion and Life, The
Center for Spiritual Studies
Center for Urban Education
Central Africa Monthly Meeting
Central Africa, Archbishop of
Central Co-ordinating Committee of Voluntary Agencies
Central Methodist Church
Central Offices of the Religious Society of Friends
Centre for Arab African and Asian Studies- Givat Haviva
Centre Quaker International (Paris)
Centre Quaker International de Geneve
Centre Space
Chace Elizabeth
Chadwick Owen
Chaiet ...
Chakraborty Amiya
Challis Dave
Chalmers Andrew Burns *
Chalmers Elizabeth
Chalmers Gordon? K.
Chamberlain Elizabeth
Chamberlin Roy Bullard
Chamberlin William Henry
Chambers Elizabeth
Chambers John
Chambers Les
Chambers William and Susan
Chance Harold
Chandler A.R.
Chandler Charlie
Chandler Gail
Chandy K.K.
Changtrakul Dumrong
Channel Bill
Chapel Hill Monthly Meeting
Chapelle Anthony (Tony)
Chapin Margaret
Chapman James
Chapman Raymond
Chapple Mary
Charles Brother
Charles Father
Charles Scribner’s Sons
Charman Margaret
Chase Elizabeth
Chase Eshel
Chase Richard
Chavchevodje Marina
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The collection is open for research use.
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