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 File — Box: 111

Scope and Contents

College Cevenol International (France)

College of Idaho, The

College of Notre Dame of Maryland

College of Physicians of Philadelphia

College of Preachers (DC)

College of St. Thomas (MN)

College of the Pacific (CA)

Collegio S. Roberto Bellarmino (Roma)

Collett Wallace T.

Collier Howard

Collier Mark

Collier W. Edwin

Collier Marie

Collins Betty

Collins Fred

Collins Julia Cope

Collins Margaret H.

Collins Ralph

Collins Ralph (same as above?)

Collins A.H.

Collinson John

Collot d’Escury nee Fahle Doris

Colman George D.

Colman Sam

Colona, Principe

Colson Elizabeth

Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc.

Columbia University

Comberbach Rose

Comfort Albert

Comfort Edith

Comfort Skip

Comfort William Wistar

Comfort Horace

Commissariat R.N.D.

Commission on Evangelism and Devotional Life

Commission on Worship of the United Methodist Church

Committee for Bridges for World Religions

Committee for International Nonviolence

Committee for World Day of Prayer

Committee of Racial Equality

Committee on Christian Relationships

Committee on Epistles

Committee on Race Relations

Committee on Religious Life

Committee on Voluntary Work Communities Abroad

Committee to End Slave Labor in America

Commonwealth Fund, The

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Community Church of Little Neck (NY)

Community Church of New York

Community Development Projects LTD

Community Dispute Settlement Program of Delaware County, Inc

Community Methodist Church (IL)

Community of the Resurrection

Community of the Way of the Cross

Community Service, Inc.

Community State Bank

Compere Tom

Compton Dorothy

Compton Randolph

Conant Elizabeth

Concord Quarterly Meeting

Concordia College (MN)

Condé Bertha

Condict F

Cone Sydney M., III

Conference on Religion and Science and Statesmanship and Virtue

Conference on Science, Philosophy and Religion

Confield Frank

Conger George

Congregational Christian Service Committee, Inc.

Conklin Elisabeth W.

Conlon William L. (Bill)

Conn Earl

Connecticut College

Conrow Engles

Conroy Emma

Conroy J.S.

Contakos Samuel

Contemplative Review

Contemporary Theology

Continuation Committee of the Churches

Convent of St. Helena

Coogan Daniel

Cook Daniel

Cook Edward

Cooney Thomas

Cooper Charlie and Edris

Cooper Dick

Cooper John

Cooper Thomas

Cooper Wilmer

Cooper Samuel

Cooperative de Bouron

Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe, Inc.

Cooperative League

Cope Calvin

Cope Edith Cary

Cope Walter

Copeland C.T.

Copeland Kenneth

Copeland Richard

Copenhagen Quaker Center

Copenhaver John

Coppock Homer

Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate

Copulsky Jonathan

Corcoran Theresa

Coren Jackie

Corley J.L.

Cormy Placid

Cornelinssen Betty

Cornell United Religious Work

Cornell University

Cornerstone Foundation, Inc.

Correspondence School

Corry John

Corse Anna

Corson Helen

Cosby Gordon

Cosline Hugh

Cothin Harwood

Cotton J. Harry

Cougehr Irene

Council for the Study of Mankind

Council of Churches of Syracuse and Onondaga County

Council of Protestant Colleges and Universities

Council on Christian Education

Council on Christian Social progress

Counts George

Courtenay Walter

Courtney Winifred

Cousins Norman

Coutret Terry

Covall Betty Lin

Cowan Edwin

Cowgill Bruce

Cowles Ben

Cox A.D.M.

Cox Robert (Bob)

Cox Wilfred

Crabtree Martin (and Dorli)

Cragg Gerald

Cragg Kenneth

Craig Genevieve

Craig Robert (Bob)

Craig C.W.

Cram Ralph Adams

Crandell Aunt Bess

Crandell Reuben

Crane Edgar

Crane Sidney

Crane William

Crane Lilian

Crasman Winifred W.

Crawford Dan

Crawford W.A. (Bill)

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The collection is open for research use.

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