Scope and Contents
Gibbard Mark
Gibbons Euell and Freda
Gibbons Margaret
Gibbs John Michael
Gibson Olive
Gideon Enid-Claire
Giessler Fritz
Giessler Marty
Gifford Nelson
Gilbert Lury or Lucy
Gilbert Mary
Gilbert’s Contract Painting
Gilbreath J. Earl
Gildemeister Marlis
Giles Roscoe Mott (Mott)
Gilkey Charles
Gill Theodore
Gillam Clifford
Gillett Eustan`
Gillett George
Gillett Henry
Gillett Lucy
Gillett Monica
Gillett Roger
Gillett Sara
Gillett Trust
Gilligan Fr. Declan F.
Gillman ?
Gilstrop Marie
Glaeser Edna
Gleason Eliot
Gleason Thelma Waffle
Gleaton M...
Glick Frank Z.
Global Interdependence Center
Global Ministries
Glyn Hilda
Godfrey Father
Goerke Edmund
Goetchius Judy Exman
Gogate R.V.
Goldner Jacob
Goldstein David
Goldthwait Pricilla (Prill), see Krancer, P
Golightly Lois
Gonant Babs
Good Nancy Cunningham
Good Robert C.
Goodall Norman
Goodbody John C.
Goodell Kenneth W.
Goodenow Leanore
Goodh… ?
Goodner Mildred
Goodridge Elinor
Goodwin Edna
Goose Creek Friends Meeting
Gordon Kenneth H.
Gordon Milton M.
Gordon Ray
Gordon Sallie
Gorman George
Gorres Ida Freiderike
Goshen College Biblical Seminary
Goss-Mayr Jean and Hildegaard
Göttler Lillian
Gottstein Werner K.
Gough Kathleen
Gould Farm
Grace Brewster
Grace Joseph
Grace William (Bill)
Graduate Theological Union
Grady Patricia
Graham Carolyn
Graham Chester
Graham Frank
Graham John
Graham Margaret
Graham Slijahh
Gramm Hanns
Granger Ann
Grant Barbara
Grant Robert
Graves Barbara
Graves Bruce
Graves Jessie
Graveson Caroline
Gray Bob
Gray Franklin (Frank)
Gray Glenn
Greater Boston Peace Council
Greater New York Federation of Churches
Greater Portland Council of Churches
Green Arthur
Green Norman
Green Rufus
Green Park Hotel, The
Greene Dana
Greene Felix
Greene Theodore
Gregg Marjorie True
Gregg Richard
Greil Emily
Gresham James R.
Gressel Hans
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The collection is open for research use.
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