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 File — Box: 141

Scope and Contents

Pacific College (See also Pennington, Levi)

Pacific Oaks Friends School

Pacific School of Religion

Pacific Spectator, The

Packard William (Bill)

Packard Manse

Padwick G. Watts

Paffrath Leslie

Page Art

Page Beatrice

Page Elizabeth

Page Kirby

Page Peter K.

Paget Rosemary

Pahl L.

Paine George (Geo. L.)

Paine Peace Foundation

Painpon Mary King

Painter Levinus

Palestine Pottery

Palley Brenda

Palmer Albert

Palmer Candida

Palmer Charles (Chas)

Palmer Mary

Palmer Parker

Palmer Sally

Palo Alto Monthly Meeting

Panck Wilhelm and Olga

Panding? C

Panikkar Raymond

Pantheon Books, Inc.

Pappenheim Gy

Paquet Vivi Woeller and Whilhelmina (see Woeller Paquet)

Paquet-Ricks (or Riches?) M.M.

Park Fentress Kerlin

Park College

Parker Alan

Parker Barrett

Parker Dick

Parker Emily

Parker Frank

Parker Mary/May (Polly) Murray

Parks Sharon

Parrish Tess

Parrish & Co.

Parsons Ardley

Parsons Horace

Parsons Marion

Parsons William Barclay, Jr. (Bill)

Partridge Frances C, Father

Paschkis Victor

Passmore Sam

Paton Alan

Paton Katharine

Pattanayak Bhagrathi

Patterson Jefferson

Patton Gen.. Parker

Pauck H. Jackson (Jack)

Pauck Marion

Pauck Wilhelm

Pauck William and Olga

Paul Jack

Paulist Press

Paullin Theodor

Paulmier Louis

Pauly Charlotte?

Paxson Heather

Payne Theological Seminary

Payson Lily

Pazel Rosemary

Peabody Malcolm

Peabody and Brown

Peacock Joe

Peara Grace Child

Pearce James

Pearl Audrey

Pearse Max

Pearson Lois

Peck Lillie

Peet Olive

Pelersem Katharina

Pellegrom Jack (cousin of Dorothy)

Pellegrom * Angie (Aunt Ann)

Pendle Hill

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The collection is open for research use.

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