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 File — Box: 142

Scope and Contents

Penfield Ruth

Penfield Thornton

Penn Charter

Penn Normal Industrial and Agric. School

Penney J.C.

Pennington Levi

Pennington M. Basil

Pennsylvania Committee for Total Disarmament

Pennsylvania Farm Bureau Federation

Pentak Marta Alan

Pentz James

Pepper, Hamilton and Sheetz

Perayerawai Leela

Percival Phyllis

Percy Dr. E.

Perera Charles

Perkins Fionna

Perkins Linda

Perkins Palfrey

Perkiomen School


Perrock G.

Perry Edward (Edmund?) – with NW U. letterhead

Perry Ralph Barton

Perry Rebecca

Perry Ruth

Peterson Dale

Peterson Hedrig

Peterson Jean

Peterson Katharina

Peterson Klaus

Peterson Robert

Pettibone Winton

Pettifor Ernest

Petty Mary

Pfeil Leslie

Pflüger Gertrud

Pflüger Gudrun

Pflug Susan, Elsa, Dorothea and Hap

Pfluger Sister Anny

Pfuetze Paul

Pfund Harry

Pharo Eugene

Phelan Professor

Phelps L.R.

Phelps Rose

Phelps-Stokes Fund

Phenix Gena Tenney

Phi Beta Kappa

Philadelphia Council for Conscientious Objectors

Philadelphia Ethical Society

Philadelphia Monthly Meeting

Philadelphia Quarterly Meeting

Philadelphia Yearly Meeting

Philadelphia, City of

Phillips Bernard

Phillips Charles William

Phillips Dorothy

Phillips Ellis

Phillips Herbert M.

Phillips J.G. (Gilbert)

Phillips Marion Christy

Phillips Martha

Phillips Mrs. A.J.

Philosopher’s Index, The

Philosophical Library, Inc.

Philosophy Today

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The collection is open for research use.

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