Scope and Contents
Picht George
Picht-Axenfeld Edith
Pickard Bertram
Pickard Irene
Pickard Joya
Pickett Clarence
Pickett American Friends
Pickwick Publications
Piedmont University
Pierce Katharine C.
Pierce Mary
Pierney? Jim
Piesvon Peggie
Pifer Alan
Pilgrim Congregational Church of Duluth
Pilling Sara
Pine Grove Methodist Church
Ping C.J.
Piotrow F. Jackson
Piper Mabel L.
Pirani Traute
von Pirch Georg
Pitman Reginald W. (Bishop)
Pitts Wm. J.
Pittsburgh Yearly Meeting
Pixton Laurama Page
Place Norma
Plank Eleanor and John
Planned Parenthood Southeastern Pennsylvania
Plant LC
Platt Gardner
Platt Joe and Edith
Pleißner Marie
Plott John C.
Plumb Lois
Pohl Claudine
Poindexter E.H. (Ed)
Poley Irvin
Polish Government Information Center
Politella Joseph
Politzer Heinz
Polk Ben
Pollard Eric
Pollard Robert, III
Polsky for State Representative
Ponte Jean Moore
Pontvik Aleks
Poole Berkeley L.
Pope Irene
Pope Liston
Pope Russell
Porion ?
Porter Cecil
Porter Eliot
Portnoy Julius
Possaunee Willi
Post Richard
Potato Clubs
Potter Marjory
Potts Florence
Potts J. Manning
Potts Margaret
Pourmansoori Mashallah
Povall Len and Betty
Powell Charles
Powell Leigh
Powell Nancy
Powell House
Powers Charles
Powers Thomas
Powers Craft Parker and Beard
Pratt Aruthur
Pratt Catherine
Pratt James B.
Pratt Marjory
Prayer House
Pred… Bill
Presbyterian Board of Education
Presbyterian Church in the United States of America
Presbyterian Church, Rye, New York
Presbytery of Philadelphia
Preston Debora
Preston Ralph C.
Prevallet Elaine
Price Frank
Price John Mayfair?
Price Reginald
Prickard Irene and Bertram
Princeton Theological Seminary
Princeton University
Prisoner Visitation and Support
Proctor DeWitt
Project Forward ‘76
Prosser Cyril
Protestant Council of the City of New York
Protestant Digest
Providence Monthly Meeting
Provident Trust Company
Provost Janet
Provost Raymond and Mariella
Prudential-Bache Securities
Pruess-Mellon Judith
Prugh Anne Davison
Pruitt Grace
Pudue Friends Center
Puget Sound, College/University of
Puidoux Theological Conference
Pullutz Lili
Pun James
Purdy Alex
Purdy John
Purvis Ann
Pusey Edith
Pyle Robert
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The collection is open for research use.
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