Scope and Contents
Reisner Christian
Reisner Herbert
Reiss Marguerite
Reiuke Ira
Religion in Life (see Abbingdon Press)
Religiöse Gesellschaft der Freunde (Quäker) In Deutschland
Religious Education Committee
Religious Emphasis Committee of Texarkana
Religious Experience Research Unit
Religious Society of Friends
Religious Society of Friends in Southern Africa
Rendall Connie
Rennie Company Ltd.
Reno Monthly Meeting
Renz Mar
Replogle Delbert and Ruth
Reuling John A.
Reuterman Charles
Revoyre Franck
Reynolds Anne Margarete
Reynolds Annette Jones
Reynolds Barbara (Barb)
Reynolds Claire
Reynolds Hadley
Reynolds Johanne
Reynolds R.G.
Reynolds Reginald (Reg)
Reynolds Weldon
Rheinfrank Lydia
Rhoades Winifred
Rhoads G. Charles
Rhoads Grace
Rhoads J. Edgar
Rhoads Jonathan
Rhodes Scholarships
Rhodesian Society for the Blind and the Physically Handicapped
Rhodin Thor
Rhott John C.
Rice Otis
Rich John F.
Rich John M.
Rich Jon
Richard Christian
Richards David E.
Richardson Channing
Richardson Comfort Cary
Richardson Jane Marie
Richardson Mary M.
Richardson N.E.
Richberg Selma
Richie David S.
Richie Jean
Richman Priscilla
Richmond Friends Meeting
Ricker Christine
Ricks Memorial Lecture
Ricouer Paul
Ridgeview Coungregational Church
Ridgway Helen
Ridgway Henry
Ridpath Mabel
Rieber Johanna and Walther
Rieborg Sven
Riedl John O.
Riesman David
Rigg Rebekal Clive
Riggi Benjamin
Riggs Barbara
Riggs M. David
Right Sharing of World Resources
Rikberg Irma
Rikberg Olav
Rikberg Selma
Rikberg Synnove
Rineheart Ruth
Ringland Arthur
Ringwalt Mildred
Ripon John
Ritchie Jean
Rittenhouse Lee and Eve
Riverside Business and Professional Women’s Club
Riverside Church
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The collection is open for research use.
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