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 File — Box: 146

Scope and Contents

Rjederquist Elsa

Robbins Howard

Robbins Rowland

Robert Catherine (Cathy)

Roberts Archbishop T.D.

Roberts Dale

Roberts David

Roberts Donovan

Roberts Elizabeth (Betty)

Roberts Eve

Roberts Ken

Roberts Mary

Roberts Preston

Roberts Richard

Roberts Ursula

Roberts W. Glenn

Roberts Walter

Robertson Bruce

Robertson Kenneth

Robinson Donald

Robinson Dudley

Robinson Florence

Robinson Henry

Robinson J.D.

Robinson Jo Ann

Robinson Laura

Robinson Mary

Robinson Mollie

Robinson Wendy

Roblee Frederick (Fred)

Robles Harold

Rochester-Colgate Theological Seminary

Roddy ?

Rodemann William

Rogers Barbara

Rogers Burton

Rogers Gail

Rogers Gladstone

Rogers Linda

Rogers Miriam

Rogers Monica

Rogers Murray

Rohlin Luana

Rohrbough Lynn

Rollins Marion

Rollins Wallace E.

Roman Catholic Diocese of Rockville Centre

Romani Cornelia

Roo Remi

Roosevelt Eleanor

Roosevelt James

Roothbert Toni

Roper Jack, Virginia, and Maurice

Rosamond Bob

Rosán Laurence

Rosasco Dorothy

Rosemont College

Rosenbaum Crane

Rosenberg Alfons

Rosenberger Peter

Rosenstein Natalie

Rosenstock-Huessig Eugen

Ross Chris?

Ross Eleanor

Ross Emory

Ross Isabel

Ross Jack

Ross Jerilynn

Ross Marie

Ross Mario

Ross Philip

Ross W B/G/V?

Ross W. Gordon

Rotberg Robert (Bob)

Rothe Horst and Hugo

Rothstein Irma

Rothstein Louise

Rotten Elisabeth

Roueche Gail and Fred

Rouner Leroy (Lee)

Rowell Terry

Rowland Wilmina

Roy Andrew

Roy Hanseswar

Rozanski Beth

Rubel Donald (Don)

Rubel Judy

Rubel Walter

Rubinstein Joanna

Rudolf Steiner School Association


Rugg Mary Ellen

Rugsp? Dick

Ruhmann Walter

Rummel Ernst

Rummerskirchen? Josef

Rumtree Richard

Runyon Vincent

Ruokonen K.A.

Ruopp Harold W. (H.W.)

Ruopp Julia

Ruopp Phillips (Phils)

Rushmore Jane

Rusk George

Russel Florence

Russel Henry

Russell “Flea”

Russell Josiah Cox

Russell Richard T.

Rustin Bayard

Rutch Judy

Rutgers University

Ryan Joseph

Ryberg Eivor, Sven and Mats

Rydbeck Hof.

Ryder Elliott

Ryder John

Ryder Lady Frances

Rye Friends Meeting

Rylaarsdam J. Coert

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The collection is open for research use.

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