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 File — Box: 150

Scope and Contents

Smith Beaman

Smith Bob and Alice

Smith Brad

Smith Dick and June

Smith Edwin

Smith Elizabeth

Smith Eugene

Smith Frances Hall

Smith Gertrude

Smith Hilda

Smith Huston

Smith J. Herbert

Smith J. Russell

Smith Jonathan

Smith Justin Harvey

Smith Lewis

Smith Margaret

Smith Marion

Smith Norah

Smith Paul

Smith Robert

Smith Ronald

Smith Roseanna

Smith Ruth

Smith Seymour A.

Smith Susan Gower

Smith Warren

Smith Wilfred

Smith Wynne

Smith College

Smuck Evelyn

Smuck Harold

Smylie James

Snell Fred

Snelling John

Snipes Barbara

Snipes Brad

Snowden Glen

Snowden Rita

Snyder Edward (Ned)

Snyder Margaret

Snyder Neal

Society for Religion in Higher Education

Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge

Society of Brothers

Society of Friends

Society of Saint Frances

Society of Saint John the Evangelist

Society of St. Paul

Sockman Rev. Ralph W.

Soderstrom Clarenore A.

Solanko Risto

Solanko Siyo and Pisto

Solgas, Inc.

Sollmann William

Solomon Ted J.

Somers Anne

Somers Red

Sondaal Lidwine

Sondberg Gunner

Sonntag Nathaniel

Sonntag Wolfgang (W.S.)

Sontag Frederick

Sorgarde C. Emil

Sorokin Pitirim


El Sourainy Rev. Makary

South Africa Delegation to the United Nations

South African Fellowship of Reconciliation

South African Institute of International Affairs

South African Institute of Race Relations

South Central Region of the Disciplined Order of Christ

South Central Yearly Meeting

South Presbyterian Church, The

Southall Monica

Southeastern Yearly Meeting

Southern Appalachian Yearly Meeting

Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

Southern California Council of Protestant Churches

Southern Christian Leadership Conference

Southern Methodist University

Southern Regional Council, Inc.

Southold Executive Meeting

Spackler Anna

Spaeth Edmund

Spaeth Karl

Sparks Donald

Sparrow Light

Spartan Motel

Spaulding H.W.

Speakman Anna Travilla

Spect Muriel

Speer Browny

Speer Hally

Speerman Ted and Ruth

Speers E.C.

Spelt Shirley

Spencer Cory

Spencer Frances

Sperry William

Spiegelberg Herbert

Spiegler Gerhard

Spiller Robert

Spiritual Life

Spiritual Life Institute of America, The

Spring Pauline

Springling M.

Squatriti Dora

Squires Janet

Squires Richard (Dick)

Stackler Warren

Staeber Warren

Stafford David

Stahl Greeley

Stair Fred

Stakland Ole E.

Stalheim Hotel

Stalnaker Rachel

Stan J. Cooper and Son

Standa Rhoda

Standard Insurance Company

Standing Winifred

Stanford University

Staniels Florence

Stanley Leonard

Stanton Dan

Stanton Lois Plumb

Stapler Hennan

Starbird Adele

Starr Bill

Starr Dinah

Starr Polly

State College Friends Meeting

State College of Washington

State University College NY

Stauda Rhoda

Stearns Maria

Steece Arvel

Steele Bob

Steele Murray

Steele Richard

Steer Selina

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The collection is open for research use.

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