Scope and Contents
Steere Bob and Pat
Steere Frank
Steere George R.
Steere H.B.W.
Steere John
Steere Jonathan
Steere Loyd
Steere Patricia and Mush
Steere Ruth
Steere * Anne (see also Nash, Anne and Paul)
Steere * Bruce
Steere * Dawn Roper
Steere * Dorothy M. (sometimes “Dod”)
Steere * Douglas E. (a.k.a. “Tex”)
Steere * Douglas V.
Steere * Edward (“Dad”, father of DVS)
Steere * Helen (“H”)
Steere * Inez Monroe
Steere * Muriel and Kenneth
Steere * Parker
Steere * Richard B. (“Monty”)
Steere * Ruth Monroe
Steere* Toby (son of Bruce, DVS’s nephew)
Stefferud Alfred
Stegeman Marie-Thérèse (Mary)
Stegeman Mary
Stein Bill
Stein James
Steinberg Lucille
Steinherz Dezsoe
Stenborg Vivi
Stendahl Greta
Stenhouse Richard (Dick)
Stenson Sten H.
Stephens Robert (Bob)
Stevens David
Stevens Edward
Stevens Lewis
Stevens Libby (Elizabeth?)
Stevens Mary
Stevens Robert
Stevens Wesley
Stevens School, The
Stevenson Adlai
Stevenson Don(ald)
Stevenson Lois
Stevenson Lori
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The collection is open for research use.
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