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 File — Box: 156

Scope and Contents

Thomassen John (Johnny)

Thomforde Charlie

Thomforde Margaret

Thomforde Phil and Winnie

Thomforde Suzie

Thomison Sydney

Thompson Carol

Thompson Cecil

Thompson David

Thompson G. Barney

Thompson Hugo and Sibyl

Thompson Kenneth

Thompson Maude

Thompson R. Franklin

Thompson R.V. de Carle

Thompson Seal

Thomsen Claire

Thomsen Elise

Thomson Naomi

t’Hooft W.A.

Thorne Charles

Thorne Mary

Thorold Algar

Thorp Almus

Thorp Francis

Thorpe Jack and Florence

Thrall Miriam

Thron-Weber Bruce

Thurber L. Newton (Newt)

Thurman Howard

Tiedemann Karl

Tierman Steve

Tierney Angus

Tilley Peter

Tillich Paul

Tilney I. Sheldon

Timberlake Rachel

Tinbergen Jan

Ting C.J.

Tinker Charlotte

Tioga Baptist Church

Tiren Ouen

Tittle Ernest

Tobias Clarence

Tod Marcus

Tod Robert

Todd Garfield (P.M. of Southern Rhodesia?)

Todd Grace

Todd John

Todd Lari

Toivola Urho

Tokita (Tonkita) Taeko

Tokoi Oskari

Tolles Fred

Tolsa Aaro

Tolsa Mirja

Tomlinson Cornelia

Tompkins Carol

Toomer Jean

Toronto Monthly Meeting

Torrance Hugh

Torrance Susan

Torrey Beth

Tory Alan

Totah Khalil

Touchtone, Inc.

Toust James

Towe Edward

Towl Andrew R.

Towl Audy

Towl Merrilie

Towle Elizabeth (née Chambers)

Toynbee Hall

Tract Association of Friends

Tracy Daniel

Trafellet David

Transvaal and Southern Rhodesia Missions

Transvaal Monthly Meeting

Trapido Harold, Jean and Paul

Trapp Jacob (Jake)

Travers Esther

Trayer Raymond

Tredgold Margaret (South Africa, Rhodesia, etc.)

Tredgold Robert (Robbie)

Trinity Church, New York, NY

Trinity Church, Princeton, NJ

Trinity College, Washington DC

Trinity Lutheran Seminary, Columbus, Ohio

Trist Eric

Tritton Fred

Troche Andie

Trochmé Nelly

Trocmé Magda and Andre

Trojan ?

Trotter Jesse

Troust James

Troutwine-Braun Charlotte

Trowbridge Buell

Trowbridge George

Trowbridge Sarah Esther

Troy Annual Conference of the Methodist Church

Trueblood Elton

Trumbull Walter

Trumper David

Trumpfheller Barbara

von Tucher Heinrich Frhr.

Tucker Eric

Tucker Heinz

Tucker Karen

Tucker L.

Tucker Melvin

Tucker Robert

Tunghai University

Turner H. Haines

Turner Hilda

Turner Paul and Marie

Turner R.A.

Tuthill Gretchen

Tuttle Shirley

Tweedsmuir Susan

Twyeffort Louise

Tydings Judy

Tyler S. Roger

Tysz William

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