Edward G. Smedley
Scope and Contents
56 items
- Edward G. Smedley's notes, 7mo. 17, 1863 - 8mo. 12, 1863. [n.p., n.d.]
- Anonymous poem: "Fleeing to God." [n.p., n.d.]
- Anonymous poem: "Heavenly peace." [n.p., n.d.]
- Letter from Jacob Smedley to "My dear Cousin Edward." Phil., 2mo. 3, 1863.
- Letter, printed, to "Dear Friend." Phil., 9mo. 3, 1862. Signed by James Emlen, Thomas Evens, Nathan Kite, Joseph Elkinton, Charles Yarnall, and Charles Downing. Accompanies and explains affidavit which C.O.s will be asked to sign.
- Notification of draft to Edward G. Smedley, Middletown, Del. Co., Pa., July 17, 1863. Signed, E.S. Christman, Capt. and Provost Marshall, 7th. Dist. of Pa.
- Copy of Edward G. Smedley's reply "To the Provost Marshall and Board of Enrolment or other proper Officers." unsigned. [n.p., July, 1863]
- Note, 7mo. 28, 1863, to Edith Sharpless from D. L. Smedley.
- 2 copies of newspaper editorial: Curiosities of the Conscript Barracks. [Aug., 1863]
- Manuscript of letter to editor of Delaware County American by Dr. Parrish: The Society of Friends and the Draft." [Aug., 1863]
- Penciled note to "Dear Brother and Cousin" [Aug., 1863] Speaks of first preparation of supplies to send to barracks.
- Penciled note to "Dear Edward and William" from "Brother Wm. Jr." [Aug., 1863]
- Notes from "Rebecca" and "bro. Wm." to "Dear E. and W." [Aug., 1863]
- Letter to "My precious brother and cousin" from Mary Smedley. [Aug., 1863]
- Penciled note to "Dear Brother and Cousin." from S. L. S. [Aug., 1863]
- Penciled note to "Dear Edward and William' from Wm. [Aug., 1863] Tells of wide attention their stand is attracting and of Thos. Evans' trip to Washington to get official help.
- Diary of Edward G. Smedley while detained in barracks in Philadelphia, as a conscript, summer of 1863. (Typed copy) 8mo. 12-17, 1863.
- Extract from papers of Joseph Scattergood, memo made by him, 8mo. 13, 1863, describing treatment of Smedleys when taken into custody.
- Letter to "My dear young friends" from Thomas Evans, 817 Arch Street, Philadelphia. 8mo. 14, 1863.
- Penciled note to "Dear Brother' (S. W. Smedley) from E. G. Smedley, Aug. 14, 1863 telling of conditions in barracks.
- Penciled note to same from E. G. and Wm. P. Smedley, 8mo. 15, 1863.
- Penciled note to same from "Brother Edward," 8mo. 15, 1863.
- Letter to "Esteemed Friends" (E. G. and Wm. P. Smedley) from Wm. Kite, Birmingham, 8mo. 16, 1863.
- Penciled letter from Jacob [Smedley] to "My dear Cousins - Wm. P. and E. G. Smedley." Phila., 8mo. 16, 1863.
- Letter to "My dear friends and cousins - E. G.
- Letter to "Dear Brothers" from sister Philena Y. Smedley, Philadelphia, 8mo. 28, '63
- Note to "Dear Cousin W.P. and E.G. Smedley" from Jacob Smedley Jr., Phil. 8mo. 29, '63
- Permit to Edward G. Smedley to be absent from barracks, reporting at 9 A.M. daily. August 29, 1863.
- Note to "Dear Cousin" from Samuel L. 9mo. 1, 1963. [Indicates E.G.S. disturbed at being paid for; implies some secret deal]
- Edward G. Smedley's and William P. Smedley's discharge from U.S. Army. War Department, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, Sept. 12, 1863. Orig. and 3 copies.
- Copy of statement forwarded by Chester Monthly Meeting to the Quarterly Meeting's committee, giving summary of the Smedleys' experience.
- Letter to "Dear Brother" [Edward G. Smedley] from Bro. Thomas, Phil., 11mo. 22, 1863 Mentions additional trials of Friends. Envelope, with Lima address.
- Letter to "Dear Friend Edward" from Elton Gifford, Phil. 3mo. 4, 1864. Gives opinion that E.G.S. would be liable for redrafting under amendment to Draft Act. Encloses newspaper clipping of amendment, also business card of Joel J. Bailey & Co. + envelope
- Unsigned statement of conscientious objections and refusal to serve in Army. Addressed to Emma H. Edwards, 22nd. and Coates St. [n.p., n.d.]
- Warrant for levy of Bounty Tax of Feb. 28, 1865, by distraint of goods from James Emlen. West Chester, Aug. 29, 1865. signed, Thaddeus Allen, Collector.
- Warrant for levy of Bounty Tax of Feb. 28, 1865, by distraint of goods from Sarah C. Passmore. West Chester, Aug. 29, 1865. Signed, Thaddeus Allen, Collector.
- Warrant for levy of Bounty Tax of Feb. 28, 1865, by distraint of goods from Mary A. Taylor. West Chester, Aug. 29, 1865. Signed, Thaddeus Allen, Collector.
- Warrant for levy of Bounty Tax of Feb. 28, 1865, by distraint of goods from Sarah Yarnall. West Chester, Aug. 29, 1865.. Signed, Thaddeus Allen, Collector.
- Accounting for sale of Jacob Parker's horse by Clarkson Mendenhall (Col.) to cover Bounty Tax. Fairville, Dec. 23, 1865.
- Accounting for sale of John Forsythe's horse by Clarkson Mendenhall (Col.) to cover Bounty Tax. Fairville, Dec. 23, 1865.
- Statement by Wm. P. Townsend re sale of his hay by Wm. Mercer, Tax Collector of East Bradford TWP., to pay Bounty Tax. West Chester, 1mo. 10, [1866]
- Note to "Dear Cousin" from Benjamin Hayes. West Chester, 1mo. 18, 1866. Refers to distraint of property from, Caleb S. Cope by William Mercer, to cover Bounty Tax.
- Note to "Dear Friend Wm. Kite" from John Forsythe, Jr., Pennsbury, 1mo. 19, 1866. Refers to goods distrained from him and Jacob Parkes for Bounty Tax. te to [Mary Kite] Phila. Letter. 4pp.
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