Press coverage of Stetler antiwar activism and scholarship controversy, 1964 February-April
Scope and Contents
The Haverford News, February 28, 1964: Salner, Twopenny Press founded for political discussion
Swarthmore Phoenix, March 10, 1964: "Educational program pointed at U.S. South Vietnam policy"
The Militant, March 23, 1964: "Vietnam and Peace Movement"
Hsinhua News Agency, March 28, 1964: "American students condemn U.S. war of intervention in South Vietnam"
The Haverford News, April 10, 1964: "Students and Prof Protest U.S. Policy in S. Vietnam
New York Times, April 12, 1964: "Vietcong Film Seen by 350 at Columbia
Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, April 13, 1964: "5 Students at Haverford Sending Aid to Viet Cong
Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, April 14, 1964: "Haverford Boys Explain Aid to the Viet Cong" (2 copies)
New York Times, April 15, 1964: "Collegian Assails U.S. Over Vietnam"
Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, April 17, 1964: "LaBrum Probing Board Aid to Student at Haverford"
The Haverford News, April 17, 1964: "News Media Cover Viet Committee; Three Members Defend Activities"
Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, April 20, 1964: "Haverford Students--Right or Wrong?" (2 copies)
Main Line Times, April 23, 1964: "Students' 'Protest' Draws Ire of Alumni, Veterans"
New York Times, April 23, 1964: "F.B.I. Seizes Film Opposing U.S. Role in South Vietnam"
New York Times, April 26, 1964: "87 Would Refuse to Fight Vietcong"
The Harvard Crimson, April 28, 1964: "Legislator Educator"
- Creation: 1964 February-April
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