Box 23
Contains 5 Results:
Letters from and correspondence, J-Z
Item — Box: 23
Item — Box: 23, Folder: 1
Scope and Contents
Letters from SGC, as well as correspondence between SGC and others.Correspondence with: Laura H. Jackson, Judy Jager, J. Robert James, Aud and William Jardines, ‘John,’ ‘John,’ Clark Johnson, Corinne Johnson, Eric W. Johnson, Gay Johnson, Anna Harvey Jones, Thomas E. Jones, Russ Jorgenson, ‘Julia,’ ‘Julia and Ward,’ Greg Kannerstein, Mark Katona Roofing, Bun-Ichi Kagami, Sally Kennedy, Leonard Kenworthy, Tom Kessinger, W.P. Kinsey, Priscilla and Bill Kissick, KYW Newsradio, Emma...
Item — Box: 23, Folder: 2
Scope and Contents
Letters from SGC, as well as correspondence between SGC and others.Correspondence with: ‘Ned,’ Sanford C. Nemitz, New York Times, North Chatham (MA) postmaster, Muriel Ohland, Deborah Osborne-Daily, John O’Sullivan, Judy Owen, Raymond S. Page, Ruth C. Palmer, Eric Pelofsky, Levi T. Pennington, V. Perreard, Philadelphia Inquirer, Delsie Phillips, Lilly Pickett, Robert Pickus, Howard G. Platt, Pleasant Bay listserv, David Potter, Mojmir Povolny, Provident National Bank, Anna...
Item — Box: 23, Folder: 2
Scope and Contents
Letters from SGC, as well as correspondence between SGC and others.Correspondence with: Rick Santorum, Jonathan Sawyer, Lou Schneider, William K. Scull, Paula Singer, Stuart Smith, William G. Soler, Arlen Specter, Anne M. Stadler, ‘Steve,’ Robert Stephens, Robert Stephens and Pat McPherson, Allen W. Stokes, G. Stockton Strawbridge, Susan Stuard, William Swing, Howard G. Taylor Jr., Joe Thompson, Julia Thompson, Tink Thompson, Jonathan Tobin, Herman Toll, Travel Letter, Tom and...
Item — Box: 23, Folder: 3
Scope and Contents
Letters from SGC, as well as correspondence between SGC and others.
Correspondence withe: Charles Walker, Margery Walker, Lawrence E. Walsh, George A. Walton, Franklin L. Watson, Leon J. Weil, Donn Weinholtz, Curt Weldon, Dave Wertheimer, Walter H. White, Norman Whitney, John A. Wilkinson, ‘Mrs. Wing,’ Guy Woodruff, Milton S.J. Wright, Howard Wriggins, Andrew Young, Barry L. Zubrow, Mel Zuck.