Box 1
Contains 69 Results:
Samuel Aaron
3 letters. Burlington, [N.J.], 1823-1825 -Addressed to Samuel B. Toby, Providence, R.I. -Their friendship -Samuel Aaron's proposed marriage to Emilia Du Bois -Illness of his wife Emilia and death of infant son
Francis G. Allinson
2 letters. 1877 and 1922 Also printed poem "To J. Greenleaf Whittier, the namesake's response" Gift of Caroline Allinson, 1936; estate of Richard J. Cadbury, 1949 -Whittier -Visit with Longfellow
Samuel Allinson, (d. 1791)
5 letters 1762-1773 -Addressed to Israel and John Pemberton -Legal business -J. Hill a troublesome apprentice -Estate of James McCarty -Meeting business
Sibyl Allinson
1 letter. Burlington, 1 mo. 13, 1832 -Death of Rebecca Pike's mother
William J. Allinson
2 letters 1845 and undated Also photograph of Wm. J. Allinson, gift of Caroline Allinson, 1940 -Estate of Thomas French -Phila. Yearly Meeting discord -Samuel Shipley
John Archdale
Photograph of letter 1695 Gift of O.M. Chase estate through Development Office, Nov. 1959
Aaron Ashbridge
Letter Goshen, 2 o. 11, 1757 -Addressed to Israel Pemberton -Also photograph of above letter -Mention of memorials to be sent to John Woolman
John Bacon
Letter Phila., 2 mo. 27, 1841 -Addressed to Jane Rains, Germantown gift of W.B. Whitall, Nov. 1960 -His son, Wm. Henry Bacon wishes to marry her daughter, Hannah