Box 3
Contains 48 Results:
Thomas B. Gould
Elihu Grant (addressee)
Elihu Grant
Letter. May 1, 1924 -addressed to Henry T. Brown -conflicting reports on condition of children in Germany -also photograph of EG, gift of J. Barclay Whitson, Class of 1917 -newspaper clipping of Elihu and Almy Chase Grant
Isaac Gray
Letter. Phila., 10th mo. 1766 -addressed to John Pemberton -wants his help in getting started as a beer bottler
Rowland Greene
3 letters. 1805, 1814, 1830 -addressed to Hannah Rodman; "Dear Friends"; C. & L. Almy -gift of FHA, 1948 -thanks HR for present of book -selling farm -concern re: their situation re: Meeting and religious matters -manuscript of his visit to N.J., in 7/1843 -2 manuscript copies of sermons delivered, 1831
Rachel Grellet
2 letters 2/1/1876 and 12/14/1894 -addressed to J.W. Taylor; cousin L.B. Roberts -death of R. Alsop -death of Abby's sister; student from Japan studying at Princeton -also 2 photographs
Stephen Grellet
William Griffith
Letter. Phila., Jan. 2, 1759 [and photocopy] addressed to [Israel Pemberton] -Support of Israel Pemberton’s diplomacy work with Indigenous People -Requests Israel to give goods to the Lenape (Indigienous People of Pennsylvania)
Thomas Smith Grimke
John Griscom
John Griscom (1774-1852) Letter. N.Y. 6 mo. 7, 1825 -addressed to William Phillips -introducing Nathl. H. Carter