Box 1
Contains 70 Results:
William Backhouse
address only, no letter "to the Viscount Melbourne, Windsor Castle"
Gerald Bailey, 1966
ALS Brambly, Guildford, Surrey, Feb. 15, 1966 addressed to Mary Hoxie Jones, Phila.
Sydney Bailey, 1985
postcard and ALS 1985 the letter is from "Robert (A.K. Runcie, Archbishop of) Canterbury" re: awarding of Lambeth Degree to Sidney Bailey the letter is accompanied by postcard of Lambeth Palace Chapel to Mary Hoxie Jones from Sidney Bailey
John Barclay
ALS of [], Leighton, Buzzard, 5 mo. 17, 1831 to John Barclay re: "Diary of Alexander Jaffray" (from the Roberts Coll.) ALS of John Barclay, Hastings in Sussex, 8 mo. 30, 1837, to [John Wilbur?], mailing address is to Thomas B. Gould, Newport, R.I., (purchased on William W. Comfort Fund, 1949, includes letter from Symmachus Trading Co.) ALS of John Barclay, Croyden, 4 mo. 29, 1830 to Charles Palmer re: "Diary of Alexander Jaffray" (from the Roberts Coll.)
Robert Barrow, 1697
photocopy of ALS London, 11 mo. 16, 1690 addressed to Henry Loward, Thomas Green, Thomas Dockrey [sic], Richard Burrows, William Hugginson, Thomas Widders topics: death and burial of George Fox and a ms. copy of George Fox's Will
Thomas Beck
ALS London, 3 mo. 10, 1755 addressed to "Friend J.P." (from the Roberts Coll.) also typed transcript topics; business matters; traveling ministers, ref. to W.B. and J.C. "in our nation"; mention of E. Ashbridge and [S.] Worral being ill; mention of M. Ellis visiting
Daniel Bell, 1749
ALS Tottenham, 5 mo. 29, 1749 addressed to James Pemberton topics: wishes JP a safe trip back; asks him to see to some land left him in New Jersey by his late brother, John Bell
John Bellows
ALS Upton Knoll, Gloucester, 10/10/1901 addressed to "dear friend" [Anna P. Sharpless] (from estate of Anna P. Sharpless) topics: death of "thy valued uncle Thomas Elkinton"; also: photograph of John Bellows labeled "gift of [H.] L. Baily, 1941"
William Bennit (d. 1684)
Bernard Berton (1784-1849), 1838-1845
2 ALS 18381844 addressed to: Elizabeth [Sims]; T.B. Brightwell, London