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Box 2


Contains 76 Results:

Elfrida Vipont Foulds

 File — Box: 2
Scope and Contents

TLS Lancashire, 31:1:[19]67 addressed to Edwin Bronner, Haverford College topics: sends copy of "Blow the man down"

Alfred Lloyd Fox (1829-1885)

 File — Box: 2
Scope and Contents

Fox, Alfred Lloyd (1829­1885) ALS Penmere, Falmouth, 2 mo. 7, 1873 addressed to [Eli Long?] topics: family news

Richard Hingston Fox

 File — Box: 2
Scope and Contents

Fox, Richard Hingston (1853­1924) 2 ALS London, 1878 and 1891 addressed to James E. Rhodes (gift of Anna R. Ladd, 1937)

Robert Were Fox

 File — Box: 2
Scope and Contents

Fox, Robert Were (1792?­1872) 2 ALS Falmouth 1831 and 1833 addressed to John Barclay (from the Roberts Coll.) topics: "Diary of Alexander Jaffray"

Sylvanus Fox

 File — Box: 2
Scope and Contents

Fox, Sylvanus (1792­1851) ALS Wellington [Eng.], 5 mo. 12, 1831 addressed to John Barclay (from the Roberts Coll.) topics: "Diary of Alexander Jaffray"

Nancy Freeman

 File — Box: 2
Scope and Contents

Freeman, Nancy ALS London, 2 mo. 18, 1774 addressed to Dr. Thomas Parke, [Phila.?] (from the Roberts Coll.) topics: Friends' doings

Anna Ruth Fry

 File — Box: 2
Scope and Contents

Fry, Anna Ruth (1878­1962) ALS Suffolk, "6.X.40" [1940] addressed to Prof. Elihu Grant (gift of Elihu Grant, 1940) topics: desire for peace also: portrait

Elizabeth Fry

 File — Box: 2
Scope and Contents Fry, Elizabeth (Gurney) (1780­1845) folder includes: ALS Lynn, 12/12 1826 addressed to Sarah Benson, Liverpool topics: her wish to accompany her brother Joseph John Gurney to Ireland ALS Upton Lane 1.25. 1832 addressed to Robert Benson, Liverpool ALS Upton Lane 5.15.1832 addressed to M. Benson ALS Upton Lane, 1/18. 1831 addressed to Robert Benson ALS Plashet 4/25. 1825 addressed to Robert Benson ALS undated, addressed to Mrs. Fry [her aunt] ALS 2/7.1831 addressed to Robert Benson ALS...

Francis Fry

 File — Box: 2
Scope and Contents

Fry, Francis (1803­1886) 2 ALS 1868­1869 addressed to George B. Lloyd also: ms. copy of letter of Francis Fry, 6/17/1868, copied by "A.M."

Joseph J. Green

 File — Box: 2
Scope and Contents

Green, Joseph J. (1854­1921) 2 ALS Essex, 1890 addressed to Charles Roberts also a note written by J.J.G. [Joseph John Gurney] topics: all in regard to a Penn ms.