Box 2
Contains 76 Results:
Elfrida Vipont Foulds
TLS Lancashire, 31:1:[19]67 addressed to Edwin Bronner, Haverford College topics: sends copy of "Blow the man down"
Alfred Lloyd Fox (1829-1885)
Fox, Alfred Lloyd (18291885) ALS Penmere, Falmouth, 2 mo. 7, 1873 addressed to [Eli Long?] topics: family news
Richard Hingston Fox
Fox, Richard Hingston (18531924) 2 ALS London, 1878 and 1891 addressed to James E. Rhodes (gift of Anna R. Ladd, 1937)
Robert Were Fox
Fox, Robert Were (1792?1872) 2 ALS Falmouth 1831 and 1833 addressed to John Barclay (from the Roberts Coll.) topics: "Diary of Alexander Jaffray"
Sylvanus Fox
Fox, Sylvanus (17921851) ALS Wellington [Eng.], 5 mo. 12, 1831 addressed to John Barclay (from the Roberts Coll.) topics: "Diary of Alexander Jaffray"
Nancy Freeman
Freeman, Nancy ALS London, 2 mo. 18, 1774 addressed to Dr. Thomas Parke, [Phila.?] (from the Roberts Coll.) topics: Friends' doings
Anna Ruth Fry
Fry, Anna Ruth (18781962) ALS Suffolk, "6.X.40" [1940] addressed to Prof. Elihu Grant (gift of Elihu Grant, 1940) topics: desire for peace also: portrait
Elizabeth Fry
Francis Fry
Fry, Francis (18031886) 2 ALS 18681869 addressed to George B. Lloyd also: ms. copy of letter of Francis Fry, 6/17/1868, copied by "A.M."
Joseph J. Green
Green, Joseph J. (18541921) 2 ALS Essex, 1890 addressed to Charles Roberts also a note written by J.J.G. [Joseph John Gurney] topics: all in regard to a Penn ms.