Box 3
Contains 50 Results:
Mary Smith, 1780-1780
Smith, Mary ALS Island of Jersey, 12 mo. 21, 1780 addressed to "Brethren of the Ministry in Norfolk" (from the Roberts Coll.) topics: religious in nature
William Smith (d. 1673)
Smith, William (d. 1673) ALS [Nottingham Countie Goule], 4 mo. 21, [16]64 addressed "For Deare G.F." [George Fox] with notations by [George Fox] (purchased from the Rosenbach Company, 1947) also: memorandum of a conversation with Dr. Henry J. Cadbury in regard to this letter
Joseph Sparkes, 1833-1833
Sparkes, Joseph (d. 1836) ALS Exeter, 3 mo. 23, 1833 addressed to John Barclay (from the Roberts Coll.) topics: "Diary of Alexander Jaffray"
Robert Spence (1784-1845)
Thomas Story
Story, Thomas (16621742) ADS (Ms. copy?) of warrant for his arrest for preaching in the city of Kilkenny, March 17, 1716 (also typed transcript of the above) "Copy of ye mayr of Kilkenny's warrt ..." Ms. Power of attorney for Thomas Story to James Steel, 8 mo. 4, 1708 (from the Roberts Coll.) also: page from an advertisement offering above warrant for sale, and a typed note regarding this incident and Thomas Story
William Tallack, 26/11/69
Tallack, William (18311908) ALS London, 26/11/[18]69 addressed to Samuel R. Shipley (from the Samuel R. Shipley Coll., 1950) topics: education statutes also: 2 portraits of William Tallack (one is gift of H.M. Lippincott)
Sir Richard Tangye, 1900
Tangye, Sir Richard (18331906) ALS Surrey, Nov. 2, 1900 addressed to Asa S. Wing, Phila. topics: Haverford College
Francis Thompson, 10 mo. 22 1860
Thompson, Francis ALS Liverpool, 10 mo. 22, 1860 addressed to "Dear Friend" topics: business
Thomas Thompson, 8 of 31 1887
Thompson, Thomas (ca. 17761861) ALS Liverpool, 8 mo. 31, 1827 addressed to []ould topics: his health letter has a note re: TT signed by J.J.G. [Joseph John Gurney?]
Henry Tuke, 17th of 4 mo 1806
Tuke, Henry (17551814) ALS York, 4 mo. 17, 1806 addressed to Phillips & Pardon [printers?] topics: a publication