Box 3
Contains 50 Results:
Charles Tylor, Aug 3./93
Tylor, Charles (18161902) ALS Brighton, Aug. 3, [18]93 addressed to James E. Rhoads (gift of Anna R. Ladd, 1937) topics: Camisards [?]
J.W., Novemb. 3 1701
W. , J. ALS Nov. 3, 1701 addressed to Abraham Scott, nr. West Smithfield, London (from the Roberts Coll.) topics: safe arrival of Abraham Scott [to U.S.?]
Margaret Walker, -151706
Walker, Margaret ALS Glasgow [Scotland], Aug. 21, 1787 addressed to John Mi[t]chinson (from the Roberts Coll.)
Daniel Weston, 1732, 1733, 1753
Weston, Daniel 3 ALS London, 17521755 addressed to Israel Pemberton; John Philips; John Pemberton (from the Roberts Coll.) topics: business family news
Daniel Wheeler
Wheeler, Daniel (17711840) 3 Ms. copies of 2 letters, 1839 and 1840 (1840 copy gift of Friends Historical Association, 1948) topics: illness and death of Charles [Wheeler?]
Ann Whitehead, 1670
Whitehead, Ann (ca. 16231686) photographs of a letter London, 5 mo. 20, 1678 addressed to Margaret Fox (gift of [] Wells[?], 16/4/190[7?]
Benjamin Barron Wiffen, 1836
Wiffen, Benjamin Barron (17941867) 3 ALS 1836 addressed to Dr. Raffles, Liverpool (from the Roberts Coll.) topics: autographs death of his brother also: portrait
Jeremiah Holmes Wiffen, -27164
Wiffen, Jeremiah Holmes (17921836) ALS London, Aug. 16, 1825 addressed to Messrs. Hurst & Robinson topics: presents his regards
Isaac Wilson, 1832
Wilson, Isaac (1784?1844) ALS Kendal, 7 mo. 10, 1832 addressed to John Barclay (from the Roberts Coll.) topics: "Diary of Alexander Jaffray"
John Wright
Wright, John ALS London, 7 mo. 19, 1781 addressed to John Freshfield, Norwich topics: schoolmaster John [Revoult?]