Box 2
Contains 55 Results:
Crosfield, Henry
Crosfield, Henry
7 letters to [Jos. W. Taylor?] Liverpool and Conway, No. Wales, 1861-1870.
[Discusses events of American Civil War]
Note: Plus photograph.
Crosfield, Joseph
Crosfield, Joseph 3 letters to Jos. W. Taylor. Liverpool, London, and Reigate, 1852, '66, and '79.
Day, Mary K.
Day, Mary K.
2 letters to Dr. Jos. W. Taylor. N.Y., 3mo. 21 - 11mo. 19, 1855.
[Speaks of parents and sister lost in ship wreck; sympathizes over death of Elizabeth (Shoemaker) Taylor, wife of Abraham]
Dot, Philip Dillman, John Tyron, Ephraim and Craiger, Louis
Dot___, Philip (plus Dillman, John; Tyson, Ephraim; Criger, Louis)
Letter to Isaac Shoemaker, Cincinnati. Robeson's Mills, Oct. 2, 1845. [Humorous account of events since he went West]
Drinker, Mrs. Susan B.
Drinker, Mrs. S[usan] B.
Letter to Isaac Shoemaker, Cincinnati. Phil., Aug. 27, 1844.
Dugdale, Edward T. and Henry G.
Dugdale, E[dward] T[aylor] 1843-1907 and Dugdale, G[eorge] Henry, 1844-
Letters to [Jos. W. Taylor?] Burlington, Also, letter from E. T. Dugdale to “Aunt Hannah”. Burlington, 1mo. 10, 14, and 20, 1862. 2mo. 1, 1880.
Evans, George
Evans, George
Letter to Abraham M. Taylor, Cincinnati. Spiceland, Ind., 3mo. 26, 1863. [Tells of Levi Coffin's work against the Contraband Relief Commission, in behalf of the Freedmen's Aid Commission]
Note: (See also, Box 2, No. 15)
Evans, Thomas
Evans, Thomas
4 letters to Dr. Edward Taylor, Isaac Shoemaker, Hannah Taylor, and Dr. Jos. Taylor, 3mo. 26, 1832; 7mo. 26, 1849; 10mo. 19, 1861; 10mo. 19, 1861.
[1849 letter tells of death of Thomas Brown's wife, of fright over illness of her husband]
Farwell, J.M.
Farwell, J.M. Letter to Dr. Jos. W. Taylor. Bristol [Eng.] 11mo. 1, 1862. [Speaks of Civil War]
Fewsmith, Henry
Fewsmith, Henry 2 letters to Isaac Shoemaker. Dusseldorf [Germany] Dec. 18, 1842 - May 30, 1844.