Box 2
Contains 55 Results:
Forster, Anne
Forster, Anne Letter to Julia K. Clarke. Tottenham, 3rd. of 3rd. mo., 1854. [Letter about death of writer's brother and his many fine qualities]
Forster, Joseph
Forster, Rachel
Forster, Rachel Letter to Hannah Taylor, Burlington. Tottenham, 6mo. 13, 1862.
Forster, William Edward
Forster, William Edward 3 letters to Jos. W. Taylor. Burley and London, 1861-1871. [Mentions Civil War]
Fox, Anna K.
Fox, Anna K[irkbride]
Letter to Hannah Taylor, Burlington, N.J. Saltburnby-the-Sea, [Eng.] ADDITION: Letter to Margaret T. MacIntosh, May 19, 1885. May 2, 1930.
[Condolences on death of James Taylor, Hannah's brother, 1885; describes Dr. Joseph W. Taylor, 1930]
Fox, H.H.
Fox, H H 4 letters, to Dr. Taylor and Hannah Taylor. Dec., 1861, [Letter of Dec. 3, 1861, asks if the Northerners in the U.S. are “mad”?]
Gallagher, Machael
Gallagher, Michael. Letter to Dr. Jos. W. Taylor. Haverford College, June 18, 1879. [Quotes prices for construction work]
Gallagher, Mary C.
Gallagher, Mary C. Letter to Jos. W. Taylor. Cincinnati, Aug. 6, 1878. [Asks him to allow her to renew mortgage on her house, which he holds]
Garrett, John B.
Garrett, John Biddle, 1836-1924. Letter to Dr. Jos. W. Taylor. Phil., 4mo. 8, 1879. [Concerns a house on the Bryn Mawr College property]
Garrigues, Samuel M.
Garrigues, Samuel M. (civil engineer) Letter to Dr. Jos. W. Taylor. Bryn Mawr, Pa., May 13, 1879. [Tells about flow of stream on Yarrow St. property (Bryn Mawr)]