Box 1
Contains 66 Results:
Thomas Beals
Letter to Joseph Tallcot, Scipio. Canandaigua, Mar. 17, 1817 -Speaks of peace education among Friends and formation of Auxiliary Bible Society in Canandaigua
Samuel Bettle Jr.
Letters to Joseph Tallcot, Sherwoods Corners, Cayuga Co., N.Y. 4 items, Philadelphia, 2mo. 24, 1845 - 1mo. 7, 1847. -discusses care of people with mental illnesses among Friends, work of the Tract Association of Friends, work of Bible Association of Friends in America.
William Birdsall
Letter to Joseph Tallcot, Sherwoods Corners. New York, 7mo. 14, 1845. -Speaks of Wilburite controversy in New England and its divisive effect on Friends in New York and elsewhere
Hannah Bradley
“Lines composed by a young woman to an absent friend,” (to Anne Wood [n.d.] Letter and poem to Sarah Tallcot, Nine Partners, N.Y. 2 items, Milton, Oct. 16, 1806.
Anna Braithwaite
Letters to Joseph Tallcot. 2 items, Caxlton, near London, and Kendal, 6mo. 1, 1835. 8mo. 22, 1846. -1st. letter refers to periodicals sent her, and appears in part in Memoirs, p. 281
Elizabeth Brown
Letter to Joseph Tallcot, Nine Partners, N.Y. Nantucket, 6mo. 6, 1802 -Quoted in Memoirs, p. 23
Moses Brown
Jemima Bunker
Letter to Joseph Tallcot, Nine Partners. Scipio, 11mo. 3, 1806.
John Carter
Letter to Joseph Tallcot, Skaneateles. Near Mooresville, Morgan Co., Iowa, 1mo. 2, 1834. -Concerns subscriptions to The Friendly Visitant