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Box 1


Contains 66 Results:

Thomas Beals

 File — Box: 1
Scope and Contents

Letter to Joseph Tallcot, Scipio. Canandaigua, Mar. 17, 1817 -Speaks of peace education among Friends and formation of Auxiliary Bible Society in Canandaigua

Samuel Bettle Jr.

 File — Box: 1
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Letters to Joseph Tallcot, Sherwoods Corners, Cayuga Co., N.Y. 4 items, Philadelphia, 2mo. 24, 1845 - 1mo. 7, 1847. -discusses care of people with mental illnesses among Friends, work of the Tract Association of Friends, work of Bible Association of Friends in America.

William Birdsall

 File — Box: 1
Scope and Contents

Letter to Joseph Tallcot, Sherwoods Corners. New York, 7mo. 14, 1845. -Speaks of Wilburite controversy in New England and its divisive effect on Friends in New York and elsewhere

Hannah Bradley

 File — Box: 1
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“Lines composed by a young woman to an absent friend,” (to Anne Wood [n.d.] Letter and poem to Sarah Tallcot, Nine Partners, N.Y. 2 items, Milton, Oct. 16, 1806.

Anna Braithwaite

 File — Box: 1
Scope and Contents

Letters to Joseph Tallcot. 2 items, Caxlton, near London, and Kendal, 6mo. 1, 1835. 8mo. 22, 1846. -1st. letter refers to periodicals sent her, and appears in part in Memoirs, p. 281

Elizabeth Brown

 File — Box: 1
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Letter to Joseph Tallcot, Nine Partners, N.Y. Nantucket, 6mo. 6, 1802 -Quoted in Memoirs, p. 23

Moses Brown

 File — Box: 1
Scope and Contents Letters to Joseph Tallcot, 7 items, Providence, 2mo. 24, 1827-5mo. 29, 1835. -Letter of 2mo. 28, 1827, tells of controversy in New England Yearly Meeting over Mary Newhall. Content Bread, and Elias Hicks; 2nd. letter, with enclosure, is copy of letter from B. Purington, 2mo. 1827, and Memorial of Sales Monthly Meeting, both concerning Micajah Collins; letter of 10mo. 12, 1827, speaks of various Friends' books, unfriendly reception given Anna Braithwaite in New York, and idea of bringing...

Jemima Bunker

 File — Box: 1
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Letter to Joseph Tallcot, Nine Partners. Scipio, 11mo. 3, 1806.

Thomas Burling

 File — Box: 1
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The dying sayings of Thomas Burling [1790]

John Carter

 File — Box: 1
Scope and Contents

Letter to Joseph Tallcot, Skaneateles. Near Mooresville, Morgan Co., Iowa, 1mo. 2, 1834. -Concerns subscriptions to The Friendly Visitant