Box 1
Contains 66 Results:
Enoch Dorland
Letter to Joseph Tallcot, Scipio. Beekman, 10mo. 30, 1820. -Amusing description of Firends at a Presbyterian funeral
Nathan Douglas
Letter to Joseph and Sarah Tallcot. South Durham, 3mo. 12, 1851. -Tells of Quarterly Meeting at Ferrisburgh, Vt., in which Wilburites attempted to take over
Silas Downing
Letter to Joseph Tallcot, Nine Partners. Cedar Swamp, 8mo. 3. 1797. -Letter, with slight changes, appears in Memoirs, p.18
John L. Eddy
Letter to Joseph Tallcot, Aurora, Cayuga Co., N.Y. Westmoreland, N.Y., 12mo. 7, 1850 -tells of travels in the ministry
L.H. Eddy
Extract from an essay, “On the exertions of Pious Ladies,” by Hannah More, copied for Joseph Tallcot by L.H. Eddy, 6mo., 1833.
Thomas Eddy
Letter to Joseph Tallcot, Scipio. New York, 12mo. 8, 1821. -Tells of spreading use of Joseph Tallcot's Catechism and of Scripture Lessons, by Stephen Grellet and William Allen. (Letter, with slight changes, appears in Memoirs, p. 195)
Samuel Emlen
Letter to Joseph Tallcot. Burlington, 5mo. 24, 1819 -Concerns pamphlet sales; discusses two storied not sufficiently authentic for publication -Letter, in edited form, appears in Memoirs, p. 174
Thomas Evans
Letters to Joseph Tallcot. 4 items, Philadelphia and Springfield, Pa., 8mo. 2, 1830 - 7mo. 29, 1846 -Concern plan for founding of Friends school of higher learning (Haverford?), the problem of what to do about minor children of Hicksites; the Wilburite controversy
Unity Everingham
Letter to Sarah Tallcot, Nine Partners. New York, 12mo. 2,1802
Farmington Preparative Meeting
Answers to Queries prepared by Preparative Meeting of Ministers and Elders, 9mo. 22, 1824. -on back: Notes [by Joseph Tallcot?] on an Address to Friends who have the care of young children