Box 2
Contains 63 Results:
Sarah Collins Hawxhurst
Letters to Joseph Tallcot. 9 items, New York, ca. 1835-1845. Discusses family and Meeting news, religious education, and difficulties in getting Friends to support. Friends' publications.
Deborah Howell
Letter to Joseph Tallcot, Skaneateles, N.Y. Philadelphia, 5mo. 25. Discusses plan for publishing Friends' periodical; also, religious education.
Emily Howland
An “Affecting Narrative.” Prepared for use in the Child's Companion. [Tells of freedman whose children were taken away, enslaved, and sold]
George Howland
Letter to Joseph Tallcot, Sherwoods Corners. New Bedford,. 11mo. 26, 1845. Tells of Wilburism in North Carolina, New England, Indiana, and elsewhere; offers encouragement to Scipio Monthly Meeting.
Hannah Tallcot Howland
Letters to Joseph Tallcot, Skaneateles, N.Y. 2 items, Scipio, 12mo. 9, 1832 - 2mo. 26, [1833?]. Tells of brother William's illness and death.
Humphrey Howland
Letter to Joseph Tallcot, Skaneateles. [Ledyard, 1827]. Sends copy of letter to treasurer of Yearly Meeting, asking for copy of Meeting's accounts, in connection with dispute in Scipio Monthly Meeting over raising assessments of Preparative Meetings:
committee wished to examine expenditures of Meeting in paying traveling costs for Thomas Shillitoe and Anna Braithwaite
Letter of 12mo., 1835
discusses Hicksite Separation and problems of disownment
Sarah Tallcot Field Howland
Letter to Joseph Tallcot, Skaneateles. Near Aurora, 9mo. 8, 1835. Obituary notice for her, and memorial to appear in The Friend. 6mo. 21, 1842,
William Penn Howland
Letter to cousin, William Howland. Washington, Dutchess Co., N.Y. Haverford, Dec. 29, 1839. Tells of pranks he played on other boys at Christmas and plans for more at New Year's Eve
William Keese
Letter to Joseph Tallcot, Nine Partners, Dutchess Co., N.Y. Peru, (1 enclosure) 12mo. 7, 1805.
Concerns sale of Joseph Tallcot's land in Peru
V. Kersey
Letter to Joseph Tallcot, Skaneateles. Philadelphia, 10mo. 26, 1837.
Concerns payment by Friends at Spiceland, Ind., for subscription to The Friendly Visitant; money lost
in mail