Box 2
Contains 63 Results:
Emmor Kimber
Letter to Joseph Tallcot, Scipio. Philadelphia, 12mo. 30, 1815.
Congratulates him on opening of School; wishes it well; speaks of Meeting matters and of best way to
govern the young; disapproves of large boarding schools under Meeting control, like Westtown;
mentions four, small, private ones he thinks are better
John King
Letters to Joseph Tallcot, Ledyard. 2 items, 2mo.
28, 1846 - 4mo. 17, 1847.
Defends John Wilbur against Joseph Tallcot's criticism
Joseph and Tacy King
Letter to Joseph Tallcot, Skaneateles. Baltimore, 4mo. 16, 1834.
Speaks of Friends' deaths; recommends John P. Balderston as agent for The Friendly Visitant in
Joseph Leavans
Letter to Joseph Tallcot, Scipio. Young Street, 8mo. 30, 1810.
Legal and financial papers
55 items, 1724-1810. Quit claims, deeds, surveys, receipts, etc., largely to do with property in New Milford, Conn.
G.J. Letchworth
Letter to Sarah Tallcot. Auburn, 11mo. 4, 1855. Thanks for her gift copy of Letters and Memoirs of Joseph Tallcot.
David Lindley
Letters to Joseph Tallcot. 2 items, West-union,
Morgan Co., Indiana and Monrovia, Indiana,
9mo. 22, 1834, 6mo. 9, 1836.
In 1834, speaks of starting a Bible School, donation of tracts from Joseph Tallcot; in 1836, reports
progress, describes three Schools, speaks of popularity of The Friendly Visitant
Henry Longstreth
Letter to Joseph Tallcot, Sherwoods Corners. Philadelphia, 1mo. 13, 1847. Sends his list of published works with prices.
Peter Lossing
Letter to Joseph Tallcot, Skaneateles. Norwich, 11mo. 18, 1831.
Tells of land sales around Norwich; also of effect on the Meeting of Joseph Tallcot's advice about
settling differences between Orthodox and Hicksites
Caleb McComber
Letters to Joseph and Sarah Tallcot. 9 items, 1807-1845.
Speaks of travels in the ministry, Meeting affairs, news of Friends, etc. (Letter of 9mo. 16, 1807, with
changes and deletions, appears in Memoirs, p. 50. Deletion alters meaning.