Box 2
Contains 63 Results:
Asa Mead
Letter to Joseph Tallcot, Skaneateles. E. Hartford
[Conn.] Jan. 15, 1831.
Answers letter of Joseph Tallcot, of Dec. 30, 1830, concerning comments Asa Mead made about
Friends; explains, qualifies, and enlarges.
Edited version of letter appears in Memoirs, p. 248
Jane G. Mead
Letters to Joseph Tallcot, Skaneateles. 2 items, East
Hartford, July 30- Sept. 20, 1832.
[Tells of death of husband; discusses female preaching, other matters. (Both letters, in edited form,
appear in Memoirs, p. 252 and 254. Printed version of second letter contains two errors that change
Anna Merritt
Letters to Sarah Tallcot. 6 items, 1794-1807
Acrostic on Anne Merritt, by her uncle, William Moore,...1805, and Verses written by a
friend after setting out on a religious visit to the western parts of the State of New York, 1mo., 1806.
Consider Merritt
Some of the Expressions of Consider Merritt during his Illness...first month, 1801, to the 12th. of 3rd. mo., 1802.
Catharine W. Morris
Letter to Joseph Tallcot, New York. Philadelphia,
6mo. 6, 1837.
Speaks of Sarah and Angelina Grimkés' fears they are headed for trouble; appreciates his advising
Hannah Morris
Letter to Joseph Tallcot, Skaneateles, N.Y. Greenhill
Farm, 4mo. 6, 1837.
Sends him a copy of book of Scripture Questions compiled by young Friends in Philadelphia and
printed for circulation in remote areas, Canada, etc.; asks his approval and advice.
Tripp Mosher
Letters to Joseph Tallcot, Scipio. 3 items,
Washington [N.Y.]
6mo. 6, 1809 - 9mo. 9, 1815.
Gives news of travels in ministry, Meeting affairs, other matters
Anne Mott
Letter to Joseph Tallcot. New York, 10mo. 5 - 12mo. 6, 1820.
Approves his plan of a general catechism; makes suggestions. (Edited version of this letter appears inMemoirs, p. 192)
James Mott
Letters to Joseph Tallcot, Scipio. 2 items, New York, 2mo. 20, 1819 - 3mo. 27, 1820.
Discusses religious education, Friends' publications, including Joseph Tallcot's, situations of African
Americans and Indigenous Americans, women's preaching, doubtful value of missionary work, other subjects]
Note: Both letters, with large deletions and some changes, appear in Memoirs, p.162 and 179
Richard Mott
Letters to Joseph Tallcot. 3 items, Purchase, N.Y.,
and Burlington, N.J., Letter of 8mo. 9, 1844 - 1mo. 28, 1853. 1mo. 28, 1853,
[Speaks of need to avoid narrowness in Quakerism, need for stricter observance of First Day, importance of First Day Schools, upset condition of Society of Friends, Wilburite rebellion in Scipio Quarterly Meeting, situation in various other Meetings, etc.]
Note: with minor changes and deletions, appears in Memoirs, p. 344.