Box 2
Contains 63 Results:
Eames and Elizabeth Smith
Letter to Joseph (and Sarah) Tallcot [n.p.] Caton, Sept., 1846. [Tells of death of daughter Olive, last surviving of their eight children.]
Seth Smith
(Presbyterian minister) Letter to Joseph Tallcot, Scipio. Genoa, July 24, 1816. [Thanks him for sending pamphlets on abolition of war; approves the effort.] Note: Letter appears in Memoirs, p. 114.
Sophrina Smith
Letter to Joseph and Sarah Tallcot, Skaneateles. Deerfield, 7mo. 29, 1834. [Tells of work in First Day School; asks if he could help her get books for it at low rate.]
Susan R. Smith
Letters to Joseph Tallcot. 2 items, West Hill, and Philadelphia, 5mo. 22, 1839, 4mo. 24, 1852. [Speaks of distributing his little books; discusses religious education; describes Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of 1852, which John Wilbur attended, causing considerable conflict; takes gloomy view of state of the Yearly Meeting.]
Thomas Smith
Letter to Joseph Tallcot, Scipio. Pelham, 9mo. 14, 1844.
Adam Spencer
Letter to Joseph Tallcot, Skaneateles. [Thorold?] 12mo. 25, 1836. [Tells about First Day School.]
Ambrose Spencer
Letter to Joseph Tallcot, Skaneateles. Albany, Jan. 5, 1836. Note: [Letter, with minor changes, appears in Memoirs, p. 289.]
John C. Spencer
Spencer, John C., N.Y. State Supt. of Common Schools. (And J. Spencer & Co.) 7 items: Receipted bill to Joseph Tallcot from J. Spencer & Co., Albany, letters from John C. Spencer to Joseph Tallcot. Albany, June 22, 1807; Jan. 2, 1839 - Nov. 16, 1839. [Discusses educational matters; appoints Joseph Tallcot a School Visitor for Cayuga Co.] Note: Letter of Aug. 19, 1839, with several inaccuracies and omission of last sentence, appears in Memoirs,p. 315)
Jonathan and Sarah Swan
Letter to Joseph and Sarah Tallcot, Nine Partners. Western, 2mo. 22, 1807. Note: Edited version of letter appears in Memoirs, p. 45.
Austen Steward
Letter to Joseph Tallcot, Skaneateles. Wilberforce [Canada] Dec. 2, 1836. [Thanks him and other Friends for clothing and money; boxes delayed in arriving, by winter; says planning a school; thanks him for tracts] Note: Letter with changes and additions appears in Memoirs, p. 300)]