Box 3
Contains 36 Results:
Abraham I. Underhill
Letter to Joseph Tallcot, Scipio. YorkTown, 2mo. 17, 1817.
-Speaks of building of new Meeting houses and quota system of assessing older Meetings for it
Letter to Joseph Tallcot. York Town, 10mo. 19,
-Speaks of difficulties encountered in trying to sell Joseph's publications, The Friendly Visitant and
Child's Companion
Robert Underhill
Letters to Joseph Tallcot, Scipio. 2 items, 8mo. 24, 1821-11mo. 3, 1821. -Tells of commotion stirred up in Westbury Quarterly Meeting and Flushing Select Meeting by preaching of Elias Hicks; tells J.T. to be on his guard
Rebecca T. Updegraff
Letters to Joseph Tallcot, Skaneateles. 2 items, Welcome Retreat. 9mo. 23, 1836 - 5mo. 31, 1843. -Discusses difficulties in and importance of religions education; says his periodical publications have not been getting through in the mails; wishes for unity in the Christian faith
William Valentine
Letter to Joseph and Sarah Tallcot, Scipio. Nine Partners, 7mo. 6, 1807. - Edited version in Memoirs, p. 47
Phebe Wanzer
Letter to Joseph Tallcot, New York. New York, 5mo. 28, [1807?] -encourages him in moving to new settlement
Refine Weekes
- lamentation for Margaret Weekes, his endeared wife, who died the 21st. of 2nd. mo. 1813
Thomas Wells
Letters to Joseph Tallcot, Sherwoods Corners, N.Y. Waynesville, Ohio. 7mo. 15, 1852. 1mo. 16, 1849. -Sends anecdote for The Friendly Visitant; describes travels in ministry in Indiana, need for more religious education among Friends
Mary D. Wicks
Letter to Hannah (Tallcot) Howland, Sherwoods Corners. York, 3mo. 3, 1833.
Wilberforce Colony
Letter to Joseph Tallcot, Skaneateles. Wilberforce [Canada] Jan. 28, 1837. -Letter from African American settlers, telling how the money he sent them was divided; complains of unfairness of Austin Steward; asks him to designate someone else to divide clothing being sent
Thomas Willis
Letters to Joseph Tallcot. 6 items. Jericho, 1mo. 20, 1846-10mo. 10, 1847. -Speaks of Wilburite controversy in Scipio Quarterly Meeting; tells of New York Yearly Meeting decision in regard to it; advises him on strategy to be pursued in Quarterly Meeting; deplores unruliness of Wilburites; tells of visit of Yearly Meeting Committee in the Quarter, after Quarterly Meeting