Box 3
Contains 67 Results:
Molina, Philip
Letter to Samuel B. Morris, Phil. Izabal. A protégé of S.B.M.'s, writing from his own country (in Central America?) Refers to “magnificent project of joining the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans;” sends loving messages to Phila. Friends.
Morice, Walter, 1900-1904
A. Letters to Samuel Morris, in Lowestoft and London. Northampton, Eng., Relates activities of family and friend.
B. Postcards to Samuel B. Morris, Olney, Phila., Pa.
Bewdley, Eng.,
Morris, Ann, 1812-1844
A. Letter to Beulah S[ansom] Morris (Rhoads), at Westtown, Pa. Relates news of the family.
B. Letter to Mary Murray, New York. [n.p., Introducing Samuel Morris. n.d.
C. Letters to Samuel B. Morris, aboard Ship Ann Maria, and at Lancaster and West Haverford, Pa. Germantown, [Letter of includes notes from father, Luke W. Morris and sister Elizabeth B. Morris; relates news of family and death of Samuel Wistar
Morris, Annie, 1889-1903
Tells of many travels and friends in Europe
Morris, Anthony, 1715-1859
Letter to his wife [Elizabeth Morris, From David Lloyd's (affectionate letter of leave-taking), Advice to son, Benjamin Morris, upon B.'s embarcation for England, to study medicine (Transcribed by grandson, Thomas Morris)
Morris, Anthony, 1817-1847
Letter to A. M., Sr. New York. Reports on condition of dying sister; sends messages to family.
Morris, Anthony, 1848-1859
Letter to cousin. Halstead, near Pemberton, N.J.,. Sends some roots for planting.