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Contains 23 Results:

Iwao Frederick Ayusawa papers, 1934

 File — Box: 1
Scope and Contents

(16 items: letters, cards) letters written from Geneva; Singapore; Pocono Lake Preserve; Wash., D.C.; Tokyo. topics include: a. news of family and plans to visit the Thomas's b. his mission to Japan in March­-April c. U.S. joins ILO also: letters to the Thomas's from H. [Kashinage?]

Dates: 1934

Iwao Frederick Ayusawa papers, 1935-1936

 File — Box: 1
Scope and Contents

(17 items: letters, photographs, cards) letters written from Tokyo; Geneva; Akakura, Japan. topics include: a. will be staying in Japan, now in charge of Tokyo Branch of the ILO b. his work in Japan, gives an account of a typical day's work c. family news, building a house d. recommends a Japanese student to their care in N.Y

Dates: 1935-1936

Iwao Frederick Ayusawa papers, 1937-1938

 File — Box: 1
Scope and Contents (18 items: letters, photograph, certificate, cards) letters written from Akakura, Japan; Wash., D.C.; at sea; Tokyo. Letter dated 4 July 1938, Tokyo, to Mrs. Thomas. Ayusawa encloses a family photograph and mentions, Rufus Jones, Mr. Winant, Tamon Maeda. Mr. and Mrs. Kirakawa and Maxfield Parrish . topics include: a. traveling to U.S. for International Textile Conference b. worsening world situation c. anti­ILO feelings in Japan d. sanctions against Japan from League of...
Dates: 1937-1938

Iwao Frederick Ayusawa papers, 1939-1940

 File — Box: 1
Scope and Contents (14 items: letters, cards) letters written at sea and from Geneva; San Francisco; Tokyo; New Orleans. topics include: a. Dr. Hachiro Yuasa, former President of Doshisha (first Christian Univ. in Japan) looses job because of pacifist beliefs, Ayusawa b. suggests he visit Haverford College Library c. closes down Tokyo Office of ILO, looses his job, but remains very busy with speaking and writing articles, plans to write books d. news of family d. Nitobe Memorial Lectureship e. employed by...
Dates: 1939-1940

Iwao Frederick Ayusawa papers, 1946-1947

 File — Box: 1
Scope and Contents

(17 items: letters, TL, card) letters written from Tokyo. topics include: a. copy of letter to Passmore Elkinton b. Ayusawa now Director of the Central Labor Relations Board (Chuo Rodo Iinkai), tells of hard work and great labor problems he has c. had to deal with in post­war Japan d. news of his family, illness of son Leman, difficulty of obtaining sugar and other food at reasonable prices

also: letter from Yasutaro Misawa; letter from S. Harada; 2 letters from Tsuyuko Ayusawa

Dates: 1946-1947

Iwao Frederick Ayusawa papers, 1948

 File — Box: 1
Scope and Contents (45 items: letters, cards, clipping) letters written from Tokyo; Philadelphia; Chicago; Ogden, Utah; Seattle; Los Angeles; Washington, D.C., etc. topics include: a. list of people interested in Japan b. his trip to America with many speaking engagements and conferences, will visit Haverford, Washington, N.Y.C., Wellesley Seminar, c. AFSC, TVA, Indiana Labor Conference, includes itineraries d. comments and suggestions on proposed book by Margaret Thomas ("I married a Quaker") e. news of his...
Dates: 1948

Iwao Frederick Ayusawa papers, 1949-1951

 File — Box: 1
Scope and Contents (24 items: letters, Christmas card with photograph) letters written from Tokyo; San Francisco; Geneva; Munich; Philadelphia. topics include: a. news of family, Tsuyuko to return to Japan, Jun to continue studies in U.S. b. discusses his work, plans to devote rest of life to teaching, writing and lecturing; revising Trade Union Law and Labor Relations c. Adjustment Act, resigns as Director of Central Labor Relations Board d. goes to Geneva to attend the Diplomatic Conference for the Revision...
Dates: 1949-1951

Iwao Frederick Ayusawa papers, 1952-1953

 File — Box: 1
Scope and Contents (17 items: letters, speech, newspaper clippings, printed items, Christmas card w/ photograph) letters written from Tokyo. topics include: a. "How I joined I.C.U." biographical information on how life's work prepared him to join staff of International Christian University [typed speech, 3 p.] b. clippings on International Christian University printed items re: International Christian University his work for ICU c. news of familyalso: letter from Shuichi Harada w/ note of IFA;...
Dates: 1952-1953

Iwao Frederick Ayusawa papers, 1954-1956

 File — Box: 1
Scope and Contents

(24 items: letters, clipping, printed item, cards) letters written from Tokyo; Seattle; N.Y. City; Nebraska, etc. topics include: a. his activities, lectures, plans to come to U.S. for academic year of 1955­56 and teach at Columbia U. b. printed lecture description and schedule for "The Buddhist Academy Lectures" by IFA "The impact of new Asia on the Western World" 1956 c. news of family, friends

Dates: 1954-1956

Iwao Frederick Ayusawa papers, 1957-1962

 File — Box: 1
Scope and Contents

(28 items: letters, New Year's Day card w/ photograph, Christmas card w/ photograph, cards) letters written from Tokyo; Honolulu, etc. topics include: a. death of S. Harada b. requests the Thomas's aid and advice re: several Japanese students in the U.S., letters of introduction to the Thomas's for var. persons c. sympathy letter on death of Edward Thomas

Dates: 1957-1962