Box 1
Contains 173 Results:
Susanna Corder letter to Rebecca Collins, 1845-08-20
2 pages. Susanna Corder was an author and educator. She shares news about her family and adds that she sees Collins's husband, Isaac Collins, often. She was interested to read Collins's account of her visit with the "insane" which Isaac Collins shared with her.
Subjects: Collins, Rebecca, 1805-1892; Collins, Isaac, 1787-1863
Related Locations: Stoke Newington (London, England); Philadelphia (Pa.)
Susanna Corder letter to Rebecca Collins and Isaac Collins, 1846-10-19
4 pages. Susanna Corder was an author and educator. She expresses concern over the divisions within the Society of Friends in the United States and expresses her hope that the rift will be mended. She also shares news about several British Quakers.
Subjects: Society of Friends; Society of Friends--Schisms and separations; Quakers
Related Locations: Stoke Newington (London, England); Philadelphia (Pa.)
Susanna Corder letter to Rebecca Collins and Isaac Collins, 1849-12-24
4 pages. Susanna Corder was an author and educator. She thanks Rebecca and Isaac Collins for keeping her informed about the Society of Friends in the United States. She also shares news about Quakers in Britain.
Subjects: Society of Friends; Quakers
Related Locations: Chelmsford (England); Philadelphia (Pa.)
Susanna Corder letter to Rebecca Collins and Isaac Collins, 1851-03-05
2 pages. Susanna Corder was an author and educator. She thanks Isaac Collins for sending her an almanac. She mentions the current troubles facing the British government and expresses pity towards Queen Victoria.
Subjects: Quakers; Victoria, Queen of Great Britain, 1819-1901; Collins, Isaac, 1787-1863
Related Locations: Chelmsford (England); Philadelphia (Pa.)
Thomas Evans letter to Isaac Collins, 1842-11-23
4 pages. Thomas Evans was a Quaker minister. He shares news of family and friends in Philadelphia while Isaac and Rebecca Collins are travelling through England. He also remarks on the present condition of the Society of Friends in the United States.
Subjects: Society of Friends; Collins, Rebecca, 1805-1892; Collins, Isaac, 1787-1863
Related Locations: Philadelphia (Pa.); Stoke Newington (London, England)
Josiah Forster letter to Isaac Collins, 1847-07-03
4 pages. Josiah Forster was a prominent British Quaker. He writes about his concern for the people of Ireland (who were suffering from the great famine) but says their condition is not as bad as it once was. He asks about the condition of the recent stream of Irish immigrants to the United States. He also shares news about some British Quakers.
Subjects: Famine (Ireland : 1845-1852); Quakers
Related Locations: Tottenham (London, England); Philadelphia (Pa.)
Josiah Forster letter to Isaac Collins, 1848-09-01
4 pages. Josiah Forster was a prominent British Quaker. He sends sympathy to Isaac Collins's brother-in-law Stephen Grellet over what appears to be a recent illness. He updates Collins on the health of several of his family members and shares some news about British Quakers.
Subjects: Quakers; Society of Friends; Grellet, Stephen, 1773-1855
Related Locations: Tottenham (London, England); Philadelphia (Pa.)
Josiah Forster letter to Isaac Collins, 1850-11-28
4 pages. Josiah Forster was a prominent British Quaker. He shares news about his family, remarks on the recently passed Fugitive Slave Act in the United States, and comments on news he has recently heard regarding Quakers in the United States.
Subjects: Fugitive slave law (United States : 1850); Quakers; Quakers--Education
Related Locations: Tottenham (London, England); Philadelphia (Pa.)
Josiah Forster letter to Isaac Collins, 1855-10-15
3 pages. Josiah Forster was a prominent British Quaker. He shares news about British Quakers.
Subjects: Quakers; Collins, Isaac, 1787-1863
Related Locations: Tottenham (London, England); Philadelphia (Pa.)
Sylvanus Fox letter to Rebecca Collins, 1848-02-04
4 pages. Probably written by Sylvanus Fox (1791-1851), discussing his grief over the death of his wife Mary. Includes a poem signed S. L. [sp].
Subjects: Grief; Bereavement
Related Locations: Somerset (England); Philadelphia (Pa.)