Box 1
Contains 7 Results:
Letters, 1908-1911
Letters, 1912-1935
Letters, 1937-1940
Letters, 1911-1956
Extracts of other Letters made by WWC, 1938
This folder contains extracts of a letters by George Fitch and Betty Jean Woo. Also included is extracts from Dr. Thomas' address.
Family Photos, 1877-1959
This folder includes photos of the Cadbury family homes, the grandchildren of William and Catharine Cadbury (Phillip, Mickie, Bobbie, Ginny, and Susie), William Warder Cadbury, General Lei Fuk Lam, James Cadbury Lei, Mr. Tong, Sarah Manatt Cadbury, Catharine Cadbury, Jane B. Cadbury, Emma Cadbury, Kit Cadbury, William and Catherine Cadbury's children, and Elizabeth Cadbury Jones.
Letters, 1941 - 1950
This folder includes letters discussing the operations of Canton Hospital, Cadbury's arrest by the Japanese Imperial Army and the removal of some possessions from his home, treatment of lepers at the Tungkun Leper Asylum (primarily about the the arrival of funds, accepting lepers from other asylums and a proposal to establish leprosarium), orphans in Canton (particularly related to the China's Children Fund and records of the children), and the Cadbury's trip to New Zeland and Australia.