Box 1
Contains 11 Results:
Country School and Teaching Years, 1912-1987
Nebraska grade school materials (ca. 1912) and Nebraska elementary school teaching items,including teaching certificate, class photo (1918-1922), letter to EMJ, 1986.
Central College, Haverford College, and T. Wistar Brown Graduate School, 1923-1925
Essay "Development of the English Ballad"; 1924 Nebraska Central College yearbook; exam in Quaker History, Haverford College,1925; oratorical speech: "The most powerful force in theworld; thesis: "Friends and Temperance", for M.A., Haverford College, T. Wistar Brown Graduate School
Clippings about EMJ, 1925-1986
AFSC, trip to Europe, Young Friends, marriage, etc., Also memorial leaflet with biographical information about Daniel Jensen.
Articles and Addresses written by EMJ 1920s, 1930s, 1980s, 1926-1986
Topics include: Quaker "spiritual giants", Mexico, World friendship, Friends, Christianity, AFSC, Military, Religious work, German crisis, Futility of war, Conscientious objectors' service, Peace training for leadership, Women; also 2 letters to EMJ on these topics and newsletters and other printed materials from which she took quotes for these topics.
Writings by EMJ in The American Friend, 1925-1930, 1925-1930
On Young Friends matters (printed), from the period when Jensen was the Young Friends Secretary.
Young Friends Addresses, ca. 1920s-1930s, 1920s-1930s
Notes for talks
Notes for Addresses by EMJ, 1930s-1960s, 1931-1965
Notes with titles (on Japanese, work with AFSC, Quakerism, World Community Day, peace, travels, prisons, Mexico, Korea, Palestine, war, social creeds, faith and practice, George Fox, Rufus Jones, Africa, Christianity) and locations of EMJ talks