Box 7
Contains 16 Results:
Meeting Minutes, Agendas, 1951-2003
Includes: reports on the Friends Medical Society annual meetings, minutes from the annual meeting and other meetings related to the Society, letters announcing the time and place of annual meetings and meetings of various committees, and agendas for meetings of members of the Society
Newsletters, 1950s, 1951-1959
Primarily includes newsletters summarizing the efforts and decisions of the Friends Medical Society, also includes some news releases. Topics range from work in various geographical locations to the doctor's draft to the Society's finances
Newsletters, 1960s, 1960-1969
This folder consists of newsletters to members of the Friends Medical Society. Most of the newsletters describe the most recent annual meeting or announce the setting and agenda of the next one.
News Releases, 1959-1960
Two news releases made by the Friends Medical Society. One denounces nuclear weapons and the "announces its strong opposition" to chemical and biological warfare.
Nigerian Books, 1956
Correspondence and other related records for the shipment of used medical texts to the Librarian of University College in Ibadan, Nigeria--an initiative undertaken by the Friends Medical Society
Organizational Material, 1950-1952
This folder includes a wide array of correspondence, reports, and newsletters from the formation and first two years of the Friends Medical Society. There are letters and typed notices for the first meeting at Pendle Hill where the Society was established, a document with responses to a survey, and other correspondence between officers of the Society and inquirers seeking information or membership in the Society.
Muslim Amercian Citizen's Union, 1954
Two letters addressed to Dr. William Plummer, from L. Selim Glick, an organizer in the The Moslem American Citizens Union, on the subject of medicine
National Association for Mental Health, 1951
Letters between members of the Friends Medical Society and individuals at the National Association for Mental re: the establishment of the Society and possible information for the Society's work with conscientous objectors
National Council of the Churches of Christ, 1961
Correspondence between Dr. J. Huston Westover and members of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in which Westover inquired about possible opportunities for service for doctors
National Service Board for Religious Objectors, 1950-1953
Includes: reports on the subject of the doctors' draft, selective service and conscientous objectors, and the work of the Service Board to help conscientous objectors. Also includes numerous copies of The Reporter: For Conscience' Sake, a publication of on the draft.