Box 4
Contains 17 Results:
Drummond, Mary, 6 mo. 17, 1764
A letter from Mary Drummond addressed to Doctor Charles Moore
Eddy, Thomas, 1825
A letter from Thomas Eddy to John Morton in Philadelphia assuring Morton that if he trusts in the Lord and Savior things will improve
Ellerton, Mary, 1704
A document with copied down "Declarations" made by Mary Ellerton at various Quaker Meetings
Ellwood, Thomas (and John Field), 1683-1706
This folder contains a copy of a letter from Thomas Ellwood to John Field Hungerhill which discusses marriage between near relations. (These specific circumstances center around a man who wished to marry his deceased wife's sister. There are also George Dillwyn's notes on Thomas Ellwood's letter, plus other notes and copy of a letter by George Fox, in G.D.'s hand, on same subject.
Embry, Samuel, 1776
A letter from Samuel Embry to John Smith
Emlen, Samuel (1730-1799), 12 mo. 6, 1779
A letter from Samuel Emlen to Charles and Martha Moore
Emlen, Samuel (1730-1799) (Letters), 1776-1794
A set of letters from Samuel Emlen, four of which are business related, two are addressed to Benjamin Smith, one is addressed to George Dillwyn inviting him to Emlen's father's funeral, and one is addressed to an unknown recipient expressing sympathy over death of Benjamin Smith (?) in yellow fever epidemic in Phila.