Box 1
Contains 17 Results:
Correspondence, 1950-1953
Hon. Ralph Gamble, ACLU Nominating Committee, ACLU, Patrick Malin, Dr. Ferdinana Q. Blanchard, George E. Rundquist, Zechariah Chafee Jr., Civil Liberties Publication, John Haynes Holmes, ALCU Board of Directors, JV Watson, ACLU Stock-taking Committee, memoranda, also some printed items, including ACLU publication "The Free and the Brave: a Letter to the House Un-American Activities Committee on the MundtNixon Bill" by Zechariah Chafee, Jr.
Correspondence, 1920-1921
Correspondence reports, lists, minutes, 1921
American Committee for Relief in Ireland National Council, Richard Campbell, James A Healy, Captain Lucey, Samuel D McCoy, Samuel Graveson, ACRI Publicity Department
Correspondence, 1918-1919
Correspondence related to Citizens' Mass Meeting: Anna N Davis, Mary G Manahan, William H Ketler, [SR MKrifty?], HT Henry, Robert von Moschzisker, S Davis Page, Dr. Wilmer Krusen, Rev. Herman Andree, Richard Weglein, EJ Stotesbury, N Wiley Thomas, Ellwood R Kirby, Rev AJ Bishop, Royal Council of Italy, WP Barba, Owen R Lovejoy, George W Nasmyth, Charles T. Hallinan
Correspondence, Aug-Nov 1920, 1920
Jane Addams, General Food Products Co., Albert S Rogers, James Douglas, Cosmos Club, William MacDonald (Secretary to ACCI), Norman Thomas, Committee on Banking and Credit of All American Farmer-Labor Cooperative Commission, A Morris Carey, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, American Commission on Conditions in Ireland Uptown Office, JC [Hopkin?], The Nation, Edward Hodgkin
Correspondence, Dec 1920, 1920
RW France, AS Rogers, Edith Ellis, Helen Black, Jane Addams, William MacDonald, John D Barry, R Ernest Neave, Frederic C Howe, Committee on Banking and Credit of All American Farmer-Labor Cooperative Commission
Correspondence, Jan 1921, 1921
Mia Cranwill, Cosmos Club, George L Fox, David I Walsh, RW France, Jane Addams, Oswald Garrison Villard (The Nation), Jane Addams, Lynn J Frazier (Governor of South Dakota), [John?] JC Shelly, Ed P Smith Mayor, JH Walker, George W Coleman, James M Graham, W Perry Kissick, Basil M Manly, John H Barlow, [Jno] W Boston, Mary Mc[Sevy]
Correspondence, Feb 1921, 1921
George L Fox, Basil W Manly, J Howard Branson (Whittier Center), Arnold Rowntree, JC [Hogk?], John H Barlow, RW France, Hubert W. Peet (Central Literature Council of the Society of Friends), Ernest E Taylor, Henry J Cadbury, William [Rlualter?], William MacDonald, Conference on Democratic Control of the Railroads, Frederic C Howe
Correspondence, March-April 1921, 1921
Mia Cranwill, Members of the Commission of One Hundred, Major OP Newman, Albert F Coyle, Oswald Garrison Villard, Hon. Thomas E Watson, Irish Agricultural Organisation Society, EJ Doheney Esq.
Unanswered correspondence, March-July 1921, 1921
Padraic H Pearse Council of the American Association for the Recognition of the Irish Republic, Irish Industries Depot, RW France, Thornton Butterworth, All American Cooperative Commission, Peter F Sullivan Mayor, Yale Club, GW Norris, Albert F Coyle, William I Haven, Norman Thomas, RR Kilroy, RC McCabe, James H Maurer, Hon Frederick C Howe, Oswald Garrison Villard