Map-case 1
Contains 22 Results:
E. Nelson Edwards, "Alteration to Old Stack Building to House the Quaker Collection" , 1941 January 24
Blueprint. E. Nelson Edwards, "Alteration to Old Stack Building to House the Quaker Collection," January 24, 1941.
Harbeson Hough Livingston & Larson, "Haverford College Library: Second Tier" , 1965 February 18
Blueprint. Harbeson Hough Livingston & Larson, "Haverford College Library: Second Tier," 2/18/1965.
Harbeson Hough Livingston & Larson, "Haverford College Library: First Tier", 1965 February 10
Blueprint. Harbeson Hough Livingston & Larson, "Haverford College Library: First Tier," 2/10/1965.
Vincent G. Kling, "Haverford College Physical Sciences Building." , 1961 February 14
Artist's conception of Stokes' exterior, "Haverford College Physical Sciences Building." Vincent G. Kling, Architect. Mounted on cardboard. February 14, 1961.
Plot Plan [Leeds and Field House]
Plot plan, Haverford College. George M. Ewing Co. Leeds, Field House are sketched in.
Plot Plan, Scheme "P" [Leeds and Field House], 1954 January 6
Plot plan, Haverford College. Scheme 'P'. George M. Ewing Co. Leeds, Field House are sketched in, January 6, 1954.
Plot Plan, Scheme "F" [Leeds and Field House]
Plot plan, Haverford College. Scheme 'F'. George M. Ewing Co. Leeds, Field House are sketched in.
Plot Plan, Scheme "E" [Leeds and Field House]
Plot plan, Haverford College. Scheme 'E'. George M. Ewing Co. Leeds and Field House are sketched in.
Entirety of Field House drawings/plans/blueprints. Carroll, Grisdale, and Van Alen, 1952
Includes note reading "Preliminary plans for Field House (Curved Roof) Cross Section, Long. Section and Ground Floor Plan 1954 Carroll, Grisdale & Van Alen." Largest plans are 113 cm x 90 cm and 110 cm x 92 cm (unfolded).
Mellor and Meigs (Architects) and H. Berkeley Hackett (Consulting Engineer), "Science Building", 1928 March
Mellor and Meigs (Architects) and H. Berkeley Hackett (Consulting Engineer) "Science Building" blueprints. Set of 5 blueprints, March 1928.