Box 21
Contains 7 Results:
Elementary Exercises in Geography and Peter Parley's Book of Poetry, 1834, 1839
"Elementary Exercises in Geography, for the Use of Schools", by Samuel R. Gummere, 8th edition, Philadelphia; "Peter Parley's Book of Poetry for Children", N.Y..
Arithmetic and Spelling books, 1836, 1863
"The Teacher's Assistant: or A System of Practical Arithmetic", compiled by Stephen Pike, Philadelphia; "Comly's Spelling and Reading Book, With Notes for Parents and Teachers", by John Comly, Bonsal's edition, Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott.
Parlour Magic and My Little Hymn Book, 1836, 1838
"Parlour Magic", unidentified author, Philadelphia; "My Little Hymn Book", Boston and Philadelphia.
Scriptural Questions for the Use of Schools or Private Instruction, 1834
2nd edition, author unidentified, Philadelphia: William Brown.
Bound book of Parley Magazines, 1833-03-16-1834-02-15
A bound book with bi-weekly publications of Parley's Magazine for Children and Youth spanning from 1833 to 1834, Philadelphia: Andrew Waldie.
William Penn Charter School log book, 1882-1883
Describes events, e.g. visits from parents, new students, etc.
William Penn Charter School log book, 1883-1884
Describes events, e.g. visits from parents, new students, etc.